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1092 results

  • PPI User Involvement Training Evaluation Jan - Dec 2023

    Thank you for attending our recent User Involvement training session. We would appreciate your feedback on this training. Please complete the following questions. If you would like to avail of further training or wish to discuss a potential project with service users or carers please do not hesitate to contact the User Involvement team for support and guidance. 028 3756 4472 More
    Closed 31 December 2023
  • NHSCT Patient Satisfaction Survey 2023

    Patient Satisfaction Survey for the Regional Prescribing Support Dietetic Service More
    Closed 31 December 2023
  • ICT 2023 Framework Agreement - Lot 5 KPI Consultation - Gregory Architects Ltd

    CPD manage a range of framework agreements with Contractors and Consultants. It is essential that the performance of the suppliers to these framework agreements is measured and monitored to ensure that framework requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are embedded within each of the framework agreements to provide this measure of performance. Monitoring these KPIs forms the basis for... More
    Opened 1 January 2024
  • ICT 2023 Framework Agreement - Lot 7 KPI Consultation - GM Design Associates Ltd

    CPD manage a range of framework agreements with Contractors and Consultants. It is essential that the performance of the suppliers to these framework agreements is measured and monitored to ensure that framework requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are embedded within each of the framework agreements to provide this measure of performance. Monitoring these KPIs forms the basis for... More
    Opened 1 January 2024
  • ICT 2023 Framework Agreement - Lot 4 KPI Consultation - Rider Levett Bucknall UK Ltd

    CPD manage a range of framework agreements with Contractors and Consultants. It is essential that the performance of the suppliers to these framework agreements is measured and monitored to ensure that framework requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are embedded within each of the framework agreements to provide this measure of performance. Monitoring these KPIs forms the basis for... More
    Opened 1 January 2024
  • ICT 2023 Framework Agreement - Lot 6 KPI Consultation - Hall Black Douglas Ltd

    CPD manage a range of framework agreements with Contractors and Consultants. It is essential that the performance of the suppliers to these framework agreements is measured and monitored to ensure that framework requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are embedded within each of the framework agreements to provide this measure of performance. Monitoring these KPIs forms the basis for... More
    Opened 1 January 2024
  • User Involvement Training Evaluation 2023

    Thank you for attending our recent User Involvement training session. We would appreciate your feedback on this training. Please complete the following questions. If you would like to avail of further training or wish to discuss a potential project with service users or carers please do not hesitate to contact the User Involvement team for support and guidance. 028 3756 4472 More
    Closed 1 January 2024
  • Regional Prescribing Support Dietetic Team - Post GP Training Survey 2024

    To measure the effectiveness of the Prescribing Support Dietetic Team training on malnutrition and its treatment to GP practices. More
    Opened 1 January 2024
  • Regional Prescribing Support Dietetic Team - Pre GP Training Survey (2024)

    To measure the effectiveness of the Prescribing Support Dietetic Team training on malnutrition and its treatment to GP practices. More
    Opened 1 January 2024
  • Expression of Interest - Women in Tech Conference 2024

    Express an interest in attending the 2024 Women in Tech Conference, on Friday 09 February in Titanic Belfast. More
    Closed 5 January 2024
  • Follow Up Questions to Progress Staff Feedback - New Link

    A number of actions have been taken from staff feedback. Here are some follow up questions to allow SMT to progress those actions. More
    Closed 5 January 2024
  • Consultation on Utility Regulator's revised Disability Action Plan 2024-2029

    Closed 8 January 2024
  • NI Fisheries Local Action Group Programme Applicant Survey

    The is an independent evaluation of the NI Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) programme. The evaluation will address the following: To highlight how the NI FLAG Programme has met the objectives set out in the Business Case and approval documentation for the programme. To highlight the extent to which the FLAG Programme has been relevant to local and industry needs, together with the extent to which the programme has been effective, efficient, useful and... More
    Closed 12 January 2024
  • Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - Quarterly Report 1 January 2023

    The Human Resource Consultancy Services (HRCS) branch, in the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), produces a range of HR related statistics on staff within the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS). These statistics include Quarterly Reports on Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service (see link below). More
    Closed 14 January 2024
  • Consultation on financial context for revenue raising

    On 20 September the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland wrote to Permanent Secretaries of NICS departments directing that they launch public consultations on measures to support budget sustainability by rais ing additional revenue. The Department of Finance is seeking views on other aspects of fiscal sustainability including efficiency, transformation or collaborative activities that could be considered alongside revenue raising options. More
    Closed 17 January 2024
  • NICSHR Pulse Survey - DfE

    NICSHR are in the process of reviewing and improving how we deliver our service to Departments. As part of our improvement journey and to work in partnership with you to develop our improvement plan, we would value your feedback of your experiences to date. More
    Closed 19 January 2024
  • DoH Mentoring Circles SO/DP Self-Assessment Jan 2024

    DoH Mentoring Circles - SO/DP Pilot - January 2024 Mentees Self-Assessment As part of the evaluation process could you please take a few minutes to complete this self-assessment questionnaire. More
    Closed 19 January 2024
  • Northern Ireland Batteries Market Survey

    Introduction DAERA is asking for help from Northern Ireland businesses that sell batteries either on their own or in a product. We are asking businesses to complete a survey so that DAERA can work out any implications for these businesses from the new EU Batteries Regulation ( 2023/1542 ). ‘Batteries’ means all types of batteries, including those in electrical devices, cars and in large machinery. The EU Batteries Regulation applies from... More
    Closed 19 January 2024
  • Protecting consumers on the way to Net Zero - Draft Utility Regulator Corporate Strategy 2024-2029

    The Utility Regulator is consulting on its draft Corporate Strategy, Protecting Consumers on the way to Net Zero. The draft strategy sets out the Utility Regulator’s proposed strategic direction for the next five years. It identifies four key strategic objectives: Supporting the Just Transition to net zero. Securing our water and energy supply Enabling best in class energy and water companies Providing the highest... More
    Closed 19 January 2024
  • Maternity Matters Group

    As a member of Maternity Matters we would love to hear your thoughts about the group. We would like to hear what you think has worked well, and maybe not so well. There are a total of 4 questions which should hopefully not take long to complete . I really appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey and I look forward to receiving your feedback. More
    Closed 21 January 2024
  • NICS Economist Conference 2024 - Pre-Event Survey

    The final session of the day for our forthcoming NICS Economist Conference will be a panel session with Aidan, Wendy and Tom – the DoF SPD Management Team. This will be an opportunity to take stock since the last conference in October 2022 and to look forward to the year ahead for the NICS Economist Profession. We would therefore appreciate if you could take time to complete this short survey to help us focus on the key themes that you would like to be discussed in this session. ... More
    Closed 22 January 2024
  • Review of Defamation Policy

    The Defamation Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 received Royal Assent on 6 June 2022. The principal changes arising from the Act are: The removal of the presumption in favour of trial by jury in defamation cases. The replacement of the three common law defences (justification, fair comment and the ‘Reynolds defence’) with equivalent statutory defences (truth, honest opinion and publication in the public interest). ... More
    Closed 26 January 2024
  • TEO Mentoring Circles - SO/DP - Mentor Feedback

    TEO Mentoring Circles - SO/DP - Mentor Evaluation As part of the evaluation process could you please take a few minutes to complete this post-circles questionnaire. More
    Closed 26 January 2024
  • TEO Mentoring Circles - SO/DP - Final Evaluation

    The TEO Mentoring Programme for the NICS Skills Academy participants (SO/DP) has now ended. Evaluation is an important aspect of the process to determine the next steps in our mentoring programme. You are therefore asked to complete this evaluation to allow us to take on board your feedback /comments. More
    Closed 26 January 2024
  • Review of Health & Safety Executive for NI (HSENI)

    Business Consultancy Services (BCS) is an internal consultancy team within the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS). We have been commissioned by the Department for Economy to carry out a periodic review of HSENI. This survey is designed to gain the views of a variety of HSENI’s stakeholders on interactions with HSENI, the impact HSENI has and any areas for improvement. All information will be reported in aggregate and anonymised, so no organisation or individual... More
    Closed 26 January 2024
  • Review of the Regulation of the Non-Domestic Energy Retail Market – Call for Input

    Closed 29 January 2024
  • Consultation on the Consumer Protection Programme 2024–2029

    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy - Training Evaluation Oct 2023

    We would really appreciate your feedback on the recent Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy training that you recently attended (Oct 2023). This is to help us decide if this training was beneficial to you in your job role and to help in future training planning. This survey will only take a couple of minutes to complete. More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Brief Solution Focused Therapy- Training Evaluation Nov 2023

    We would really appreciate your feedback on the recent Brief Solution Focused Therapy Skills training that you recently attended. This is to help us decide if this training was beneficial to you in your job role and to help in future training planning. This survey will only take a couple of minutes to complete. More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Social Care Council - Human Rights for Social Workers Pilot Survey

    Hello and thank you for participating in our pilot of our new Human Rights for Social Work digital learning resource. This resource has been developed to support social workers and social work students to understand and know what are human rights, the legal framework and how human rights are applied. The content of this resource has developed by the Northern Ireland Social Care Council in partnership with Dr. Nazia Latif, Right Practice, content author and a Human... More
    Closed 31 January 2024
1092 results. Page 27 of 37