
We are committed to ensuring all responses are carefully and open-mindedly analysed and the results made widely available, with an account of the views expressed and the reasons for decisions finally taken. Here you will find our most recently published consultation and survey results. 

Publishing results and responses also align with our Open Data Strategy for Northern Ireland 2020-2023. You can read our strategy and access more open data on OpenDataNI.

Open Data Strategy for NI 2020-2023

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Consultations with Published Results

  • New Dilapidated Buildings Regime : Draft Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)

    DAERA intends to provide councils with a modern fit-for-purpose regime to tackle dilapidated / dangerous buildings and neglected sites. The new regime will provide clarity, broader powers and improved cost recovery mechanisms. Any new powers will be discretionary.

    Closed 18 October 2024

  • Rural Policy Framework for Northern Ireland Consultation

    The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is delighted to present the draft Rural Policy Framework and look forward to hearing your views. This Framework has been developed collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders including the public, private, and voluntary and community sector. The Framework has provided an opportunity to review the approach to rural policy and what is needed to support rural communities in the context of the following main...

    Closed 6 September 2021

  • Review of Further Education Support & Charging at CAFRE

    The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched a public consultation on Further Education (FE) Support and Charging policy at the College for Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE).

    Closed 18 September 2020

We Asked, You Said, We Did

We asked

For your comments on the Department's draft Regulatory Impact Assessment of its options for a modernised regime to tackle dilapidation.

You said

You agreed with the Department's preferred option - a new broader regime with enhanced cost recovery provisions, introduced by way of a “Dilapidated / Dangerous Buildings and Neglected Sites” Act. You also highlighted the issue of dilapidated historic buildings and the potential to bring them back in to use. You encouraged the new regime to recognise the distinct challenges posed by heritage buildings.

We did

The issue of heritage buildings will be sensitively addressed in any forthcoming legislation in respect of dilapidated buildings - with appropriate safeguards included.

A final draft Regulatory Impact Assessment will be published on the Department's website in due course.

Closed Consultations and Surveys