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1092 results

  • Raising the Issue of Obesity Pre-Training Evaluation - September21

    Please take a few minutes to complete our pre and post evaluations More
    Opened 30 September 2021
  • Raising the Issue of Obesity Post-Training Evaluation - September21

    Please take a few minutes to complete our pre and post evaluations More
    Opened 30 September 2021
  • Copy of Quality of Life Questionnaire

    Quality of Life after Brain Injury Northern Trust Brain Injury Service (NTBIS) is committed to providing high standards of rehabilitation for those who have sustained a brain injury. We only collect and record information that we need to know for the purposes of our project. In this case this will be your name, DOB and the information you provide in answering the questions in the survey . Details will be held securely. Personal... More
    Opened 28 September 2021
  • Leading Team North Virtual Conference Evaluation

    Thank you for attending the Leading Team North Virtual Conference on Monday 27th September 2021 . We would appreciate if you could take the time to complete the short questionnaire at the link below to aid us in the evaluation process. More
    Opened 27 September 2021
  • CPD Customer Satisfaction - Health Projects Division Advisory

    CPD Health Projects Division provide advice to clients for a range of procurements, contracts and general advisory services. It is essential that CPD's performance and the quality of advice provided to clients is measured and monitored to ensure that client requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) provide this measure of performance. They will be used for reporting to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and... More
    Opened 26 September 2021
  • CPD Customer Satisfaction Survey - Health Projects Division CA/PM

    CPD Health Projects Division provide client advice and/or project management services for a range of procurements funded by Departments, Agencies and their Arm’s Length Bodies. It is essential that CPD's performance and the quality of the advice and/or project management services provided by CPD are measured and monitored to ensure that client requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) provide this measure of... More
    Opened 26 September 2021
  • CPD Customer Satisfaction - Construction Division CA/PM

    CPD Construction Division provide client advice and/or project management services for a range of procurements funded by Departments, Agencies and their Arm’s Length Bodies. It is essential that CPD's performance and the quality of the advice and/or project management services provided by CPD are measured and monitored to ensure that client requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) provide this measure of... More
    Opened 26 September 2021
  • CPD Customer Satisfaction - Construction Division Advisory

    CPD Construction Division provide advice to clients for a range of procurements, contracts and general advisory services. It is essential that CPD's performance and the quality of advice provided to clients is measured and monitored to ensure that client requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) provide this measure of performance. They will be used for reporting to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and... More
    Opened 26 September 2021
  • Food at the Heart of Our Society - A Prospectus for Change

    The Covid-19 pandemic, EU Exit and climate change challenges are making people think and talk about food as never before. Food contributes to our regional economic prosperity and can help to address many of our most significant societal challenges. From obesity to food poverty and waste, from climate change and biodiversity loss the food we produce and eat is a major factor in some of the greatest problems facing Northern Ireland. It is also a vital part of the solutions. ... More
    Opened 24 September 2021
  • Quarterly Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service April 2021 – June 2021 (Experimental Statistics)

    The Human Resource Consultancy Services (HRCS) branch, in the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), produces a range of HR related statistics on staff within the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS). These statistics include experimental quarterly publications on Sickness Absence (see link below for the most recent quarterly publication). More
    Opened 23 September 2021
  • PPI User Involvement training evaluation Sept-Dec 2021

    Thank you for attending our recent PPI training session. We would appreciate your feedback on this training. Please complete the following questions. If you would like to avail of further training or wish to discuss a potential project with service users or carers please do not hesitate to contact the PPI team for support and guidance. 028 3756 4472 More
    Opened 22 September 2021
  • PPI User Involvement Step 2 Training Evaluation

    Thank you for attending our recent PPI training session. We would appreciate your feedback on this training. Please complete the following questions. If you would like to avail of further training or wish to discuss a potential project with service users or carers please do not hesitate to contact the PPI team for support and guidance. 028 3756 4472 More
    Opened 22 September 2021
  • PPI User Involvement Step 1 Awareness Training Evaluation

    Thank you for attending our recent PPI training session. We would appreciate your feedback on this training. Please complete the following questions. If you would like to avail of further training or wish to discuss a potential project with service users or carers please do not hesitate to contact the PPI team for support and guidance. 028 3756 4472 More
    Opened 22 September 2021
  • Scope Training Evaluation 2021

    Thank you for attending our recent PPI training session. We would appreciate your feedback on this training. Please complete the following questions. If you would like to become involved in PPI/User involvement within the SHSCT please contact the PPI team. 028 3756 4472 More
    Opened 22 September 2021
  • Account NI Employee Services Portal - Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Why we are consulting The Employee Services Portal ( ESP) is a shared portal between Account NI and HR Connect. As this portal has been in use for a while and recently updated , we would like to hear your views so we may improve our services. This survey is for internal NICS staff and applies to Account NI information only. Privacy Notice The data collected in this survey will be used solely by Account NI Service Teams in order to improve financial services and the portal... More
    Opened 21 September 2021
  • Food Values Equal Opportunities and Evaluation Form

    Following your attendance at our 'Food Values Online' Programme we would love to hear your views and would appreciate your time in completing the enclosed evaluation form. Your answers are totally anonymous. All information collected will be held in line with GDPR and the NHSCT privacy policy. Thank you for taking the time to help improve our programmes More
    Opened 21 September 2021
  • Cyber Security Careers Event - 16th September 2021

    Thank you for attending the Cyber Security Careers event on 16th September 2021. The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from attendees to help us improve our future events. More
    Opened 21 September 2021
  • Sage and Thyme Post- workshop Evaluation 2021-22

    We are inviting you to provide feedback about your experience of the virtual Sage and Thyme workshop which you recently attended. Your feedback and comments will help us to ensure we deliver the best possible training to you and others working across local organisations. It may also be used to publicise the training programme. If you would like to give feedback, please complete this online survey. It is entirely your choice whether or not to take part in this feedback process. ... More
    Opened 17 September 2021
  • Clinical Psychology Service for Young Adults Living with Diabetes: Service Design

    The Clinical Health Psychology Service for Young Adults Living with Diabetes offers psychological support to young people, aged 18-26 years, who are living with diabetes and the impact this may have on their emotional well-being. Our wish for this service is that it provides the opportunity for young people to avail of psychological support in the most accessible, appropriate and helpful way. It is our belief therefore that the voices of young people living with diabetes should be... More
    Opened 17 September 2021
  • Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland 2012 Regulations

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to essential maintenance, this website will be unavailable from 7am on Thursday 11th to 9am on Friday 12th November. As a result, the consultation period has been extended to 11.59pm on Monday 15th November . We apologise for any inconvenience. You can always complete and return the consultation questionnaire and return it to during the website's downtime. --- The Department of Health is seeking your views on amendments we are... More
    Opened 16 September 2021
  • Post-workshop questionnaire: Emotional coping skills

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this online questionnaire which should take no longer than 5 mins to complete. After completing the day long workshop in Emotional Coping Skills, this questionanire will now ask you to rate your knowledge of emotional coping skills and how confident you feel in using them in your clinical practice. You will also be asked to rate how useful you found todays workshop. All responses are anonymous and your feedback will be used to help us... More
    Opened 13 September 2021
  • Pre-workshop questionnaire: Emotional coping skills

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this online questionnaire which should take no longer than 3 mins to complete. Prior to completing the day long workshop in Emotional Coping Skills, this questionanire will ask you to rate your knowledge of emotional coping skills and how confident you are in using them in your clinical practice. At the end of the workshop we will ask you to complete a similair questionanaire. Repsonses from both pre and post workshop questionnaires will be... More
    Opened 13 September 2021
  • Cook It! Equal Opportunities and Evaluation Form

    Following your attendance at our '6 week Cook it! Goes Virtual Programme' we would love to hear your views and would appreciate your time in completing the enclosed evaluation form. Your answers are totally anonymous. All information collected will be held in line with GDPR and the NHSCT privacy policy. Thank you for taking the time to help improve our programmes More
    Opened 8 September 2021
  • Autism Awareness evaluation 7th Sept 2021

    Following your attendance at our online workshop we would appreciate if you would complete the following short survey. It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please be assured that all responses will be kept confidential as outlined in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Data Protection regulations and Data Protection Act 2018 Policy, which is available on request. More
    Opened 7 September 2021
  • Consultation on how we propose to purchase domiciliary care provided by non-statutory providers

    We have developed a consultation document that sets out some proposals for a new way of purchasing domiciliary care services from non-statutory providers. Through these proposed new arrangements, we intend to ensure that domiciliary care services are provided equitably and sustainably, so we can meet the growing needs of our population. We welcome your views on this proposal. More
    Opened 6 September 2021
  • LPS Celebrating Success 2021 - Nominate a colleague

    Do you know someone in LPS who deserves recognition at this year's Celebrating Success event? We want you to tell us who you think has gone the extra mile. More
    Opened 6 September 2021
  • Nutrition Survey

    Please complete this short survey for a chance to win a slow cooker and a goody bag. It should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and is open to the general public across Northern Ireland. Limited to one entry per person. Full terms and conditions of the prize draw are attached. More
    Opened 3 September 2021
  • New2Forensics2021

    Please complete the attached survey, you will be required to complete this to enable us to sign you off and provide you with your certificate. These will provide us with an idea of the level of knowledge staff following the N2F programme and if the course has been beneficial. More
    Opened 3 September 2021
  • RISE NI - Understanding Language: Practical Strategies to Support Children in Foundation Stage

    Please take about five minutes to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responses are anonymous. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. Thanks for taking the time to do this. More
    Opened 1 September 2021
  • RISE NI - Post Specialist Input Evaluation - Teacher Questionnaire

    Post Specialist Input Evaluation. Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. More
    Opened 1 September 2021
1092 results. Page 31 of 37