Social Care Council - Understanding Child Development and Issues Series

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Closes 31 Aug 2024

Understanding Child Development Pilot Survey

Hello and thank you for taking the time to complete the Understanding Child Development Survey.  This survey is made up of 18 short questions and should take less than 15 minutes of your time. Your responses will provide valuable information to develop and improve digital development to meet registrant’s continuous learning needs.

The first few questions relate to you and your involvement in social work/social care.  The information you provide will only be used to help inform our service improvements.  You can leave these questions blank If you prefer to submit an anonymous response. 

Please do not include sensitive information relating to yourself, your employer, service users or their carers.  If you wish to speak to a member of staff in confidence about an issue relating to social work or social care, please email the Evaluation Manager in confidence

1. Which resource have you used? (Select the one that applies).
2. What is your job role?
3. Which of the following best describes your area of work? Please select a service from the list below
4. What age group do you belong to?
5. How many years have you worked in your current role?
6. Gender – what gender do you belong to?
7. What is your email address? (this would only be used to contact you to ask for more information about your responses to improve the Learning Zone)
8. What was your overall experience of using the resource?
9. Please indicate why you are using the resource.
10. Please rank the sections you found most helpful in your role (1 being the most helpful and 6 being the least helpful)
11. Please use the ratings below to indicate your knowledge of child development before and after you used this resource today?
12. Would you recommend this resource to a colleague?
13. When and where are you using the digital resources? (Please tick all that apply)
14. What device or devices did you use to access the resource today? (Please select all that apply)
15. To what extent do you agree that the resource may assist social workers and other professionals to assess and meet children’s needs?
16. Standards for Social Work and Social Care - The Learning Zone resources are designed to help raise awareness about the Standards of Conduct and Practice required from those registered with the Social Care Council and the values and behaviours required of registrants. Please indicate whether you agree/disagree with the following statements: (This question is only applicable to Northern Ireland Social Care Council Registrants, if you are not registered with the Social Care Council, please select "Not applicable to me")
17. Accessibility and Usability of resource – read and tick all options that you agree with?
18. Please use this section to share any suggestions you would like to make to help improve this resource or add any further comments.