Health and Social Care NI - Dermatology Photo Triage Patient Experience Survey

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Closes 31 May 2030

Dermatology Photo Triage Patient Experience Survey

1. Please confirm the name and address (if known) of the GP Surgery you attended for your appointment:
2. Please confirm your year of birth:
3. Was this your first time using the Dermatology Photo Triage service?
4. Prior to your recent experience, were you aware that this service was available within your GP Surgery?
5. When you attended your GP Surgery, did the GP or another member of staff (i.e. practice nurse) explain the referral process and enable you to ask any questions, if applicable?
6. Were you given any additional information on the Dermatology Photo Triage referral pathway?
7. Did you find this information useful?
8. Did your GP explain the “Consent” process for taking photographs of your skin irregularity?
9. How did you find your appointment with the GP?
10. Did you have to attend the hospital for a further appointment?
11. If Yes, how were you contacted? (Please tick any that applies)
12. What was the outcome of your hospital appointment? (Please tick any that applies)
13. How did you find your appointment at the hospital?
14. Did you feel involved in all decisions about your treatment?
15. Have you attended your GP in connection with your Photo Triage experience since your hospital appointment?
16. Was your GP aware of your recent hospital appointment as part of your Photo Triage pathway and did you discuss this with them?
17. Would you be happy to use this service again?
18. Is there anything that could be improved?
19. Have you any other comments you would like to include on any element of the service?