Social Care Council - App Release 1 Testing Feedback

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Closes 11 Oct 2024

App Testing Feedback Survey

1. Which of the following best describes your involvement with social work or social care?
2. Which of the following best describes the social work or social care service that you work in?
3. What is your email address?
4. What type of device did you download the app onto?
5. Did you have any issues with accessing the app?
6. Please select the features you tested as part of the user testing? (Select all that apply)
7. Did you understand how to navigate through the app’s different sections/features?
8. Were the buttons or options on the screen visible and easy to read and access?
9. Did you like the design (look and feel) of the app?
10. What was your overall experience of testing release 1 of the App?
11. If you wanted help while testing the app, was it easy to find?
12. Please use this section to share any further feedback or comments.