Call for Evidence: Future Focused Review of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) on the issue of Climate Change

Closed 28 Mar 2024

Opened 3 Jan 2024


The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed areas of focus for a potential future focused review of the SPPS and to invite the submission of evidence on the relevant factors that can assist with determining the best way forward.

The information gathered through the Call for Evidence will be considered by the Department and will help inform any decision by an Infrastructure Minister on whether or not to initiate a formal review of the SPPS and the options for it. Should there be an absence of ministers, a decision on the way forward will be considered in light of the decision-making legislation in place at that time.

If a decision is taken to proceed with a review of the SPPS, the proposal is that this could seek to update and bring forward new and revised policy provisions on Climate Change in relation to the following areas:

  • The Purpose of Planning,
  • Furthering Sustainable Development (including Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change and The Importance of Ecosystem Services), and
  • The Core Planning Principles of the two-tier planning system.

A focused review could also encompass a fresh look at the appropriateness of extant policy provisions on flood risk, transportation, and development in the countryside.

The policy areas framed as a focus for change are considered to reflect how and where the Department can optimise the impact of any focused review in responding to the challenges of a changing climate which are impacted by Climate Change (in addition to the review of regional strategic planning policy on renewable and low carbon energy which is already being progressed).

The Department is particularly keen to hear views and gather evidence in respect of the above-mentioned matters. Nonetheless, there may be evidence in relation to other aspects of the SPPS that you may wish to comment on that might assist the Department with determining the appropriate way forward in addressing Climate Change within the SPPS.

The Department has produced an Easy Read version of, and companion to, this Call for Evidence. This is also attached as a PDF for your convenience.


  • All stakeholders


  • NI