156 results
Construction and Procurement Delivery, Supplies and Services Division Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire
Feedback in relation to the award of a contract by Construction and Procurement Delivery, Supplies and Services Division staff. MoreOpened 29 March 2017 -
Baby and Me Parent Group Evaluation
Thank you for attending the Baby and Me parent group with your local health visiting team in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust. We want to improve our service for new parents and would be grateful if you would complete this short survey. Please share any ideas or suggestions that you think might help other new parents. The information you provide is confidential and all responses are anonymised. MoreOpened 1 January 2021 -
CHECK Services Supplier Performance Assessment
Please complete this short performance assessment within 5 days of receipt of CHECK report. This survery contains 10 scoring questions on supplier performances and takes approx. 5 minutes to complete. MoreOpened 25 March 2021 -
RISE NI - Understanding Language: Practical Strategies to Support Children in Foundation Stage
Please take about five minutes to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responses are anonymous. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. Thanks for taking the time to do this. MoreOpened 1 September 2021 -
RISE NI - Post Specialist Input Evaluation - Teacher Questionnaire
Post Specialist Input Evaluation. Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. MoreOpened 1 September 2021 -
RISE NI - Post Intervention - Parent Questionnaire
Post Intervention - Parent Questionnaire Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. MoreOpened 1 September 2021 -
RISE NI - Post Whole Class Programme Evaluation
We hope you enjoyed and found the programme you completed useful. Please fill in the following evaluation to help us develop and improve the sessions and materials. MoreOpened 1 September 2021 -
RISE NI - Ready Steady RISE Evaluation
Thank you for attending the Ready Steady RISE workshops with your child/children and taking the time to fill in this evaluation. MoreOpened 1 September 2021 -
RISE NI - Ready to Learn Evaluation
Thank you for attending the Ready to Learn workshop and taking the time to fill in this evaluation. MoreOpened 1 September 2021 -
CPD Customer Satisfaction - Construction Division CA/PM
CPD Construction Division provide client advice and/or project management services for a range of procurements funded by Departments, Agencies and their Arm’s Length Bodies. It is essential that CPD's performance and the quality of the advice and/or project management services provided by CPD are measured and monitored to ensure that client requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) provide this measure of... MoreOpened 26 September 2021 -
CPD Customer Satisfaction - Construction Division Advisory
CPD Construction Division provide advice to clients for a range of procurements, contracts and general advisory services. It is essential that CPD's performance and the quality of advice provided to clients is measured and monitored to ensure that client requirements are fulfilled efficiently and effectively. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) provide this measure of performance. They will be used for reporting to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and... MoreOpened 26 September 2021 -
RISE NI - Pre Whole Class Programme Questionnaire
Your response to the following questions will allow us to identify areas of need/development opportunities and allow us to specifically target any concerns. If you are scoring at a level of 4/5 it would be reasonable to expect limited progress/development of your skills as they are already within the very confident range. MoreOpened 4 October 2021 -
ED Training Evaluation
Please let us know how you found the training MoreOpened 17 November 2021 -
TNU Patient Experience Survey
Tobernaveen Upper(TNU) Holywell Hospital patient experience survey MoreOpened 15 December 2021 -
Western Trust Involvement and Coproduction Monitoring survey
Service User and Carer Involvement can be described as: “A process whereby service users/carers and the public are empowered and enabled to inform and influence the commissioning, planning, delivery and evaluation of Health and Social Care in ways that are relevant and meaningful to them”. This mapping exercise enables the Trust to collate, analyse and showcase the amount of involvement taking place across the Trust as well as the impact and learning from this... MoreOpened 1 January 2022 -
RISE NI- Teacher/School Experience of Service Questionnaire
Please take a moment to rate your experience of working with RISE NI. MoreOpened 1 January 2022 -
Analysis, Statistics & Research Branch Customer Survey
Many thanks for taking the time to complete this short survey. It should only take 5 minutes and your feedback is much appreciated to help ensure ASRB continue to provide quality service to our customers. MoreOpened 17 January 2022 -
Experience of the NHSCT Adult Eating Disorder Service
You recently attended the Eating Disorder Service within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust. In order to maintain and improve the quality of our services, we are interested in what you thought and any gains you experienced. Information collected is anonymised and your views will be collated with many others on a confidential database used to evaluate our service. MoreOpened 3 May 2022 -
RISE NI - Vocabulary Workshop Evaluation
Please take a few minutes to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responces are anonymous. Thanks for taking the time to do this. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. MoreOpened 16 August 2022 -
Perinatal Mortality Review Tool (PMRT) - Parental Engagement Form
Why is a review important? In the coming months a team of health professionals at the hospital will hold a meeting and review your and your baby’s care. This review process will help us explain to you what happened and why your baby died. The learning from the review of every baby’s death is important to help us improve services for women and their babies in the future. MoreOpened 6 September 2022 -
RISE NI - Sensory Motor Group Evaluation
RISE NI - Sensory Motor Group Evaluation Please take some time to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responces are anonymous. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. Thanks for taking the time to do this. MoreOpened 7 October 2022 -
RISE NI - Sensory Regulation Workshop
Please take a few minutes to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responces are anonymous. Thanks for taking the time to do this. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. MoreOpened 17 October 2022 -
Mindfulness Programme Evaluation
Thank you for taking part in our programme. This evaluation form will take no more than five minutes to complete. MoreOpened 21 October 2022 -
RISE NI - Early Years Visual (Live Workshop)
Please take about five minutes to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responses are anonymous. Thanks for taking the time to do this. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. MoreOpened 28 October 2022 -
LPS Statistics Branch Citizen Space Survey
Tell us about your recent customer experience with LPS Statistics Branch. MoreOpened 1 December 2022 -
NHSCT Patient Satisfaction Survey 2025
Patient Satisfaction Survey for the Regional Prescribing Support Dietetic Service MoreOpened 1 January 2023 -
Staff Health and Wellbeing Evaluation of Taster Sessions Programme Y2SHWTS15 (CMcF)
Evaluation of Staff Health and Wellbeing Taster Session Encouraging Update of Hobbies Programme MoreOpened 19 January 2023 -
Staff Health and Wellbeing Evaluation of Taster Sessions Programme Y2SHWTS12 (EC)
Evaluation of Staff Health and Wellbeing Taster Session Encouraging Update of Hobbies Programme MoreOpened 19 January 2023 -
Staff Health and Wellbeing Evaluation of Taster Sessions Programme Y2SHWTS11 (AMcC)
Evaluation of Staff Health and Wellbeing Taster Session Encouraging Update of Hobbies Programme MoreOpened 19 January 2023 -
Staff Health and Wellbeing Evaluation of Taster Sessions Programme Y2SHWTS10 (AS)
Evaluation of Staff Health and Wellbeing Taster Session Encouraging Update of Hobbies Programme MoreOpened 19 January 2023
156 results.
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