We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

We asked for views on the draft Vision and Objectives for NWTP. We also asked for local insignt on the transport challenges and opportunities within the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

You said

An engagment report will be published shortly on the NWTP project webpage supporting documents page. 

We did

We will analyise the reponse to help inform the ongoing perpreation of the NWTP. Latest project updates are available on the NWTP project webpage.

We asked

For your comments on the Department's draft Regulatory Impact Assessment of its options for a modernised regime to tackle dilapidation.

You said

You agreed with the Department's preferred option - a new broader regime with enhanced cost recovery provisions, introduced by way of a “Dilapidated / Dangerous Buildings and Neglected Sites” Act. You also highlighted the issue of dilapidated historic buildings and the potential to bring them back in to use. You encouraged the new regime to recognise the distinct challenges posed by heritage buildings.

We did

The issue of heritage buildings will be sensitively addressed in any forthcoming legislation in respect of dilapidated buildings - with appropriate safeguards included.

A final draft Regulatory Impact Assessment will be published on the Department's website in due course.