Launch of consultation on SONI's draft 2023-2032 Transmission Development Plan.

Closes 2 Aug 2024

Opened 2 Jul 2024


Today the Utility Regulator is publishing a consultation paper on SONI’s draft Transmission Development Plan for Northern Ireland (TDPNI) 2023-2032.

The TDPNI 2023-2032 sets out proposals for the development of Northern Ireland’s transmission network and interconnection over the coming 10 years.

This plan presents projects that are expected to be needed for the operation of the electricity transmission network in the short and medium-term.

Projects within the plan have been identified as new builds, uprate/modify, refurbish/replace or a combination of transmission network reinforcements, asset replacement projects and details the project drivers for investment. 

The plan details the transmission projects within each specific planning area within Northern Ireland - North and West, and South and East. 

The plan has been prepared in accordance with Condition 40 of SONI’s license. 

We welcome all views on any aspect of SONI's TDPNI.

More information and how to respond can be found in our consultation section.

Why your views matter

The Transmission Development Plan for Northern Ireland (TDPNI) 2023-2032 is the proposals for the development of Northern Ireland’s transmission network and interconnection over the ten years from 2023.

This plan presents projects that are expected to be needed for the operation of the transmission network in the short and medium-term.

The TDPNI will help to achieve the strategic objectives as laid out by national and EU policies. These include:

a) Ensuring the security of electricity supply;

b) Ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy;

c) Ensuring the long-term sustainability of electricity supply.

The Utility Regulator welcomes comments on all aspects of SONI’s draft TDPNI.

The Utility Regulator will require SONI to fully consider all comments and suggestions submitted as part of the consultation, before submitting a final TDPNI for approval.

Give us your views


  • Anyone from any background


  • Energy Efficiency