A Review of the Connections Policy Framework in Northern Ireland

Closed 6 Oct 2023

Opened 7 Jul 2023


The current connection policy framework in Northern Ireland has helped meet renewable targets while keeping costs down for consumers. However, with new carbon reduction targets and developments within the electricity system as a whole, alongside the Department for the Economy we are conducting a review of the connection framework to ensure it continues to serve the needs of all consumers.

This call for evidence represents the first step of our  electricity connections policy framework review. We are seeking stakeholder views and evidence to assess potential changes to the current connections policy framework in NI and and the costs and benefits of those potential changes.

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Why your views matter

We are seeking stakeholder evidence to assess potential changes to the current connections policy framework in NI and and the costs and benefits of those potential changes.

What happens next

We are seeking views to the call for evidence on or before 29 September 2023.


  • Citizens


  • Communications