Social Care Council - Values-based Retention - Feedback Survey
Hello and thank you for responding to the Values-based Retention Tooklit pilot feedback survey. We hope you found the different approaches, information and films useful.
The toolkit has been developed to support social care employers across the health and social care system in Northern Ireland to retain experienced staff and support them to recruit workers with the right values and attitudes.
The Northern Ireland Social Care Council commissioned Julie Hill, Cedar Training to write the content in partnership with the Values-based Retention Toolkit content reference group which included representatives from social care employers - MindWise, Southern Health and Social Care Trust and Domestic Care NI; the Centre for Independent Care, Gerard McWilliams, Service User and Dr Shirley Boyle, Academic. Four employer films were also produced in partnership with MindWise, Harmony Care, Southern Health and Social Care Trust and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Individual respondents will not be identified in any reports produced from the survey. Any information you provide will held securely by the Social Care Council for a maximum of three years and then disposed of in line with GDPR requirements. If you have any queries about the management of this survey, please contact our Evaluation Manager
Thank you for taking time to help us improve our digital learning resources.
The Social Care Council Digital Learning Team
Social Care Council - Values-based Retention - Feedback Survey
- Service users/patients
- Carers
- General Public
- Advocate groups
- Community/Voluntary sector organisations
- Health and social care providers – statutory
- Health and social care providers – non-statutory
- Health and social care staff
- Health and social care regulators
- Staff representatives/Unions
- Regulation of health and social care
- Customer Service Excellence
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