TNU Patient Experience Survey

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Closes 15 Dec 2026

In Tobernaveen Upper(TNU) we value your views and opinions about the time you have spend on this ward.We aim to use feedback provided by patients in TNU to improve the service we provide.If you could take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire it would be greatly appreciated.Thank you,Tobernaveen Upper staff

1. Tobernaveen Upper is a comfortable environment which did not add any stress to my admission
2. Whilst an inpatient in Tobernaveen Upper I was aware who my named nurse was each day and who my consultant was
3. I felt able to approach the staff at any time with any concerns that I had. The staff listened and reassured me.
4. During my admission to Tobernaveen upper, I was orientated to the ward. I was shown to my bed area, advised about meal times and ward routines etc
5. I was treated with respect and dignity whilst staying in TNU.
6. My condition, treatment plan and medication were discussed with me by the medical staff and the nurses
7. I felt able to approach the staff at any time with any concerns that I had. The staff listened and reassured me.
8. I was involved with the decision making around my care
9. I feel I was given opportunity to have access to outdoor areas and walks in the hospital grounds. I feel I was involved in decision making about my time off the ward
10. I feel I was involved in my discharge planning. I felt my needs, wishes and views were valued and respected
11. I was offered activities by the occupational therapist and nursing staff which I could attend ,both on and off the ward
12. Would you recommend our ward to your family and friends