April 2020 - March 2021: PNCPS: Your Experience of Attending Our Service (Parent)

Closed 31 Mar 2022

Opened 30 Nov 2021


You recently met with a Psychologist working within the Northern Trust Paediatric and Neonatal Clinical Psychology Service. This may have been in person; or, if in recent months, virtually by telephone or zoom video link. In order to maintain and improve the quality of our services, we are really interested in hearing about your experience of the service. Information is collected anonymously and you are not asked for information which could identify you personally.

Why your views matter

Your experience, views and opinions matter to us as we aim to create a service that offers accessible and effective support for families and young people. We are continually developing the way in which our service is offered, and we would value your thoughts and ideas in helping us to do this. Your input is very much appreciated.

What happens next

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience of attending our service with us. Your feedback will inform our future service development and is very much appreciated.


  • Parents


  • Improvement of health and social care services