Innovation Delphi South Eastern Trust (SET)
You are being invited to participate in a survey based project to help shape the future of Innovation in SET.
The term Innovation is used in a variety of ways throughout the Trust and there are many people working within the Trust with innovation in their job description, but the remit of innovation is used variably.
This project is being led by the Quality Improvement and Innovation Centre (QIIC). We are using a series of repeated surveys (known as the Delphi Technique) to help establish a consensus on a definition of innovation for SET.
Round 1: The first survey will capture your email address, some demographics about your role in the Trust* and then one question asking for your opinion on how innovation should be defined. The results for this round of the survey are analysed and statements are formed.
Round 2: In the second survey you will be presented with the statements formed in Round 1 and asked how much you agree or disagree with the statement. The statements are analysed and the level of consensus is established.
Round 3: In the third survey you will be presented with the statements formed in Round 1 the response you gave in Round 2 and also with information on what the rest of the group responded. You have the opportunity to reflect on your response and respond again taking on board this information.
Following Round 3 – the project team will analyse the results and establish if consensus has been reached. If it has been reached this will conclude the data collection via surveys. If consensus has not been reached then Round 3 will be repeated.
*Please note this survey will collect your email address for each round of the survey to ensure we can track your responses throughout the series of surveys. In addition we are capturing directorates and roles to ensure we have representation from all directorates within the Trust.
Why your views matter
You are being invited to participate in a survey based project to help shape the future of Innovation in SET.
Give us your views
- Health and social care staff
- Quality and safety
- Provision of health and social care services
- Improvement of health and social care services
- Staff engagement
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