Flavours of Culture Pre-Programme Survey

Closed 30 Dec 2021

Opened 7 Dec 2021


Please complete this short survey.

Your answers are anonymous.  All information collected will be held in line with GDPR and the NHSCT privacy policy.

Thank you for taking the time to help improve our programmes.




Why your views matter

This service/programme you are attending is funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA).  The PHA and NHSCT are committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all service users regardless of gender, marital status, disability, age, religious affiliation, political opinion, ethnic origin, dependants, or sexual orientation. The collection of this information is important as it assists us to improve our services, promote equality and address diversity in the broadest sense. 

To help us achieve this we would be grateful if you could complete the Equality Monitoring form below where you want to include your responses.


What happens next

All responses to this questionnaire will be treated within the principles of confidentiality and anonymity.    

Use of this monitoring information will involve statistical summaries only which will be provided to the PHA, Northern Healthy Lifestyle Partnership and NHSCT.   No information which could be used to identify you will be made available in any way.

All responses are processed in line with strict and robust current data protection obligations. Thank you for completing this form.


  • Service users/patients


  • Analysis