EWTS Youth Baseline 2023/2024

Closed 24 Apr 2024

Opened 2 Jan 2024


The Emotional Wellbeing Teams in Schools (EWTS) programme is part of the implementation of the Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education Framework. The main focus is to provide overarching
guidelines to support school staff to help them promote emotional wellbeing and strengthen self-esteem and resilience in their pupils. The EWTS will work with the
schools to offer support for capacity development in areas related to emotional wellbeing.


Why your views matter

This programme is part of the implementation of the Children & Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education Framework. We have asked your school staff what areas they would like to training in or have more awareness in and now we want to know your thoughts.

What happens next

Thank you for taking part in this survey, it is very important to the Emotional Wellbeing Team in Schools that we make sure that student voices are heard. What you think and say will help up to make this service better.


  • School students


  • Post-Primary Education