EWTS Whole Staff Baseline 2024/2025

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Closes 21 Oct 2024


1. What is the name of your school?
2. Your job role?
3. Are you aware of the Youth Wellness Website?
4. Do you know where to find emotional wellbeing information to help support pupils/young people?
There is a limit of 500 characters
5. How confident do you feel in supporting the emotional wellbeing of pupils and young people?
6. Do you think that school staff should be trained on how to support pupils/young people to manage their own emotional wellbeing?
7. If yes, in what areas? (please select all that apply)
There is a limit of 500 characters
8. Do you know where to access emotional wellbeing training for school staff?
9. Are you aware of the emotional wellbeing services that are available for young people in your local community/area?
There is a limit of 500 characters
10. What services do you think would be useful to your school that your school is currently not availing of? And/or what current provision would you like expanded/increased?
11. Does your school have a group/place where pupils can talk about their emotional wellbeing, and be listened to by the people who make decisions in your school?
12. If yes please tell us more about this group/place. If no, would you like a group/place dedicated to pupil emotional wellbeing?
13. Does your school have staff dedicated to championing/leading emotional health and wellbeing?
14. What do you think the role of the school emotional wellbeing champion should be?
15. Do you feel confident that your school is equipped to support student emotional health and wellbeing?
16. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about that could be added to improve on your whole school's emotional wellbeing?