Engagement on the Public Consultation on the future of Muckamore Abbey Hospital

Closed 31 Mar 2023

Opened 8 Mar 2023


The PCC facilitated two group engagement events for families, carers and advocates or representatives of former and current residents of Muckamore Abbey Hospital to share their views on the consultation.

We would welcome your feedback on the session you attended to help us improve further engagement opportunities.


  • Service users/patients
  • Carers
  • General Public
  • Advocate groups
  • Community/Voluntary sector organisations
  • Health and social care providers – statutory
  • Health and social care providers – non-statutory
  • Health professionals
  • Health and social care staff
  • Health and social care regulators
  • Staff representatives/Unions
  • Royal Colleges
  • Political representatives


  • Health and social care policy
  • Health and social care legislation
  • Quality and safety
  • Regulation of health and social care
  • Provision of health and social care services
  • Improvement of health and social care services
  • Patient/service user advocacy
  • Staff engagement
  • Eye Health