Dysphagia development group 2023

Closed 18 Dec 2023

Opened 8 Jun 2023


We are aiming to develop a facilitated peer to peer learning platform for band 5 and 6 staff, the current working title for this group is Dysphagia Development Group. The group hopes to expand on knowledge, skills and awareness of dysphagia in different client groups, and look at how we can consistently deliver best practice for patients receiving SLT care along their journey, focussed on evidence based interventions.

The group will be facilitated by a Band 7 clinician. Each session will include a short expert presentation, discussion on a journal article, and an open forum to discuss cases and clinical concerns.  This group is designed to complement and not replace already existing supervision structures. The group plans to meet quarterly and SLT leads are supportive of the initiative.

We would like to gather some feedback from potential participants and would be grateful if you could complete the below short survey. These answers are confidential and with no judgement!


  • Health professionals


  • Quality and safety