Copy of Quality of Life Questionnaire

Closed 12 Oct 2021

Opened 28 Sep 2021


Quality of Life after Brain Injury

Northern Trust Brain Injury Service (NTBIS) is committed to providing high standards of rehabilitation for those who have sustained a brain injury.
We only collect and record information that we need to know for the purposes of our project.  In this case this will be your name, DOB and the information you provide in answering the questions in the survey. Details will be held securely.

Personal information that we process about you is governed by the Data Protection Act 2018 and The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK- GDPR.)

Your personal information will only be held for the duration of the project.

At Northern Health & Social Care Trust we take your privacy seriously. Staff will only access your information on a strict “need to know” basis. All staff have a legal duty to keep your information safe and confidential and are aware of their responsibilities in regards to your privacy. Any organisation we share information with is also bound by legislation to ensure information is handled correctly. In compliance with legislation the Trust has a range of measures in place to protect paper and electronically held information. The conditions that ensure the Northern Health & Social Care Trust processes your personal information lawfully and in a transparent manner are set out in Article 6 of the GDPR. These conditions include obtaining consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes. The Trust will process your personal information for the duration of the project and if, at any time, you decide that you no longer wish to take part in the project, it is completely your choice to withdraw your consent. You may do this by simply letting me know directly. If this should happen, your personal details will be confidentially removed, and the data you have contributed to the project until that point will be excluded.

If you want to know more about how we use your information or if you are unhappy with any aspect about how we use your information or comply with your request you can contact: Information Governance Department, Causeway House, 8e Coleraine Road, Ballymoney, BT53 6BP E-mail: Tel: 028 2766 1293

Why your views matter

To ensure high standards, Brain Injury Service needs to gather information about you.

Information about your Quality of Life is a useful way for the Brain Injury Service to evaluate how well it is serving you.

Brain Injury Service is collecting information about your Quality of Life at 3 time points:

  1. when you enter NTBIS,
  2. when you are discharged from NTBIS,
  3. 1 year after discharge from NTBIS
    This information will help NTBIS see how Quality of Life changes over time.
    The results will help NTBIS plan what it needs to do to support good Quality of Life after brain injury.


  • Health professionals


  • Health