Consultation on the Pharmacy Needs Assessment Questionnaire

Closed 30 Nov 2021

Opened 1 Sep 2021


The aim of this consultation is to obtain views from interested stakeholders on the Pharmacy Needs Assessment.  We would be grateful if you would respond by completing the questionnaire below and the Equality Impact Assessment questionnaire at the end of the document.

Before you submit your response, please read Annex A regarding the confidentiality of responses to public consultation exercises in the context of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Responses must be received no later than than 30th November 2021.

The full consultation paper which includes an Equality Impact Assessment and accompanying documents are available on the HSC Board website pages.

If you would like to download a copy of the questionnaire please click on the link below

Written responses should be sent or emailed to:

Declan Beare

Directorate of Integrated Care

Gransha Park House

Clooney Road

Co. Derry

BT47 6FN



  • Health professionals


  • Provision of health and social care services