Involvement & Co-Production Leadership Development Programme 2024

Closed 19 Jan 2024

Opened 10 Jan 2024


This exciting new programme offers HSC staff, service users and carers an excellent opportunity to develop your capacity to:

  • Lead in all areas of PPI from Involvement to Co-Production
  • Use Involvement & Co-Production to achieve quality improvement
  • Support transformation and service change by involving service users and carers.

To apply for this programme you should:

  1. Have an understanding of Involvement & Co-Production in a HSC setting
  2. Have experience of engaging in Involvement & Co-Production
  3. Be committed to providing leadership for Involvement & Co-Production within the HSC

Please note this course will be delivered in person in a central location and all places willbe allocated taking into consideration a balance between service users/carers and HSC staff, as well as a balance across the region.

Please complete the application form below. Please note places are not guaranteed and successful applicants will be notified prior to the start date of the programme.


  • Parents
  • Higher education students
  • Prospective higher education students
  • School students
  • Private individuals or organisations with an interest in Bovine TB
  • All stakeholders
  • Gold Star Customer Service Excellence
  • Citizens
  • Business
  • Voluntary and Community Sector
  • Homeowners
  • Government Department
  • Local Government
  • Statutory Body
  • Private Sector
  • Research
  • Charity, Community and Voluntary
  • Utility
  • Press/media
  • Genealogist/Family Historian
  • DOJ Staff
  • DFC Staff
  • DFI Staff
  • DoF Staff
  • DE Staff
  • DfE Staff
  • DAERA Staff
  • TEO Staff
  • DOH Staff
  • HSCNI Staff
  • PHA Staff
  • ICT Grades
  • Associate Assessors
  • Inspectors
  • Pupils
  • Teachers
  • IST
  • Stakeholders
  • Schools
  • Early Years Educators
  • Pre-School Education Settings
  • Other Stakeholders
  • Academy Participants
  • Bridge to Employment Participants
  • Companies
  • RHI
  • Work Based Learning Providers
  • European Social Fund Project Providers
  • Service users/patients
  • Carers
  • General Public
  • Advocate groups
  • Community/Voluntary sector organisations
  • Health and social care providers – statutory
  • Health and social care providers – non-statutory
  • Health professionals
  • Health and social care staff
  • Health and social care regulators
  • Staff representatives/Unions
  • Royal Colleges
  • Political representatives
  • Pensions Customers
  • Benefits Customers
  • CMS
  • Political Representatives
  • Carers
  • Employers
  • Employers
  • Disability Organisations
  • People with Disabilities
  • Community & Voluntary Organisations
  • Schools
  • Academic Staff
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • School Students
  • Prospective Higher Education Students
  • Higher Education Students
  • Students
  • MOD
  • Supervising Drivers
  • Approved Motorcyclist Instructors
  • Approved Driving Instructors
  • Bikers
  • Motorcyclists
  • Riders
  • Drivers
  • Young Drivers
  • Learner Riders
  • Learner Motorcyclist
  • Learner Driver
  • All DVA Staff
  • Vehicle examiners
  • Technical staff
  • Legal professionals or legal representatives
  • Criminal Justice Agencies
  • Other Government Departments
  • Motor Insurance Companies and Representative Bodies
  • Staff
  • All Stakeholders
  • Water operators
  • Waste operators
  • PPC operators


  • Health and social care policy
  • Health and social care legislation
  • Quality and safety
  • Regulation of health and social care
  • Provision of health and social care services
  • Improvement of health and social care services
  • Patient/service user advocacy
  • Staff engagement
  • Eye Health