Consultation on the Introduction of Safe and Effective Staffing Legislation in Northern Ireland

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Closes 14 Oct 2024


 Ministerial Foreword from Mike Nesbitt MLA   

1.    Introduction

  • Background and purpose of Consultation
  • Scope of the Consultation
  • Duration
  •  How to respond 
  • Impact Assessments
  •  Privacy, Confidentiality and Access to Consultation Responses  

2.    Legislation in Great Britain

  • Wales
  • Scotland    
  • England 

 3.    Northern Ireland – Existing Approaches  

4.    Proposals

  • Guiding Principles of Safe and Effective Staffing
  • Workforce Planning
  • Common Staffing Method
  • Reporting and Monitoring Arran    gements 

5.  What happens next?

Appendix 1 – Stakeholders engaged during the consultation development

Appendix 2 – List of Professional Disciplines

Appendix 3 – Regulators of Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland

Annex A – Privacy Notice          

Annex B – Consultation Response Form