Muckamore Abbey Hospital Inquiry Contact Form

Closed 31 Jul 2023

Opened 11 Oct 2021


Helping the Inquiry

One of the Inquiry’s core objectives is to examine the issue of abuse and neglect of patients at Muckamore Abbey Hospital. It is important that we hear from as many people as possible about their experience of Muckamore Abbey Hospital regardless of when it occurred or what information they want to give.

At this stage we are interested in hearing from anyone who feels that they have information that the Inquiry should consider, whether they are a current or former patient, a relative, a carer, a current or former member of staff, or a member of the public who witnessed events at Muckamore and whether they had a negative or positive experience of Muckamore. We need your help to conduct our inquiry fairly and fully. 

Making First Contact

As a first step, the Inquiry would like you to provide your contact details and answer some basic questions. Once you do this we will be in contact with you about the next steps.

The Inquiry wants to obtain these basic details as quickly as possible. This will enable the Inquiry to put the necessary arrangements in place to take accounts from people affected by the events which the Inquiry is examining. The Chair would be very grateful if you could submit your contact form by 31 July 2023.

The above date is not, of course, a deadline. You can contact the Inquiry at any time before or after that date if you think you have information that will assist the Inquiry in its work. The link to the contact form will be reopened after 5th November. It will, however, be of great assistance to the Inquiry if you can make contact by that date.


  • Citizens


  • Public Inquiries