ICS NI - Area Integrated Partnership Boards - Local Government representative - Expression of Interest

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Closes 23 Aug 2024

Dear Applicant

The Department of Health is seeking local Government representatives to be members of the 5 Area Integrated Partnership Boards (AIPBs) that are being established for the roll out of the shadow Integrated Care System for NI (ICS NI).

Please read the information included in this Application Form AND the separate Information Pack before completing, ensuring you fully understand the expression of interest process, and can confirm that you have the skills, knowledge, experience, and time to participate on the AIPBs.

Applications will be considered by a panel consisting of representation from the Department, NILGA, and an independent lay person. The selection process may be extended to include an interview, by the same panel, depending on the number of applications received.

The Panel reserves the right to revert to Councils, if required, to support diversity and representation in terms of shadow AIPB membership with regards to e.g. geographical representation, demographics, political representation, etc.

If you require a different format or method of return or you have any other queries regarding the application process, please email aipb@hscni.net or contact Noreen Meehan directly on 028 9037 8711.

Guidance for completing applications

  1. Applications should only made via the agreed Application Form. Additional pages will not be accepted. If you require a different format or method of return, please email aipb@hscni.net.
  2. Applicants are advised to review all the information contained within the application form, prior to completing and ensure that all relevant supporting information is read and understood prior to completing and submitting an application.
  3. Via the application form, nominees should provide sufficient detail and information to clearly illustrate how they meet the criteria identified. 
  4. Applicants should provide their most recent examples, in brief, to clearly illustrate how they can meet all necessary criteria for selection.
  5. Applicants are advised to check their application for completeness, prior to submitting. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
  6. Receipt of all applications will be acknowledged within 72 hrs. If you do not receive an email confirmation within this timeframe, please contact Noreen Meehan, 028 9037 8711.