Review of Equality Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service Report

Closed 9 Jun 2023

Opened 17 May 2023


The HR Consultancy Services (HRCS) Team within NISRA publishes an annual report on the Equality Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS).  The report presents an overview of diversity and equality in the NICS and how it has changed over time, analysing the workforce composition in terms of gender, community background, age group, disability and ethnicity.

As well as providing the analysis for employees at a point in time (1 January each year), the report also provides analysis for recruitment competitions closing to applications, promotions within NICS and leavers from the service for the 12 months prior to this agreed date. The most recent annual report can be accessed below.

Why your views matter

HRCS is now carrying out a review of the annual report to ensure that the report meets customer needs and is produced as quickly as possible through refining our processes and effectively using available resources.  We are keen to gather feedback on the content and presentation of the report from as many users as possible.


  • Government Department
  • Local Government
  • Statutory Body
  • Research
  • Press/media
  • DoF Staff


  • Analysis