Review of Account NI Period End Timeline & Close - Information Gathering Exercise
Currently NICS Departments are required to provide CED with their Outurn/Forecast Outturn Returns by T+6 each month, to facilitate submission to HM Treasury by the stated T+8 deadline. Concerns exist as to whether the current CED return date allows sufficient time for any issues to be addressed prior to submission to Treasury. Therefore, consideration is being given to bringing forward the deadline for NICS Departments to provide their returns to CED to T+5. This survey, promulagated by Finance Shared Services (FSS), seeks to understand the potential impact on Departments of such a proposal, and what changes to the Account NI solution, and associated policies, processes and procedures, may be required.
- DOJ Staff
- DFC Staff
- DFI Staff
- DoF Staff
- DE Staff
- DfE Staff
- DAERA Staff
- TEO Staff
- DOH Staff
- Consultation
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