LPS Statistics Branch Citizen Space Survey

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Closes 31 Mar 2025


1. When in contact with LPS Statistics Branch, do you feel you were treated well? (That is, did we respond promptly, courteously, competently and informatively, even if we could not provide the specific answer or response that you needed)

If no, please let us know why

2. When in contact with LPS Statistics Branch, do you feel we helped you? (That is, did we answer your query, signpost you to someone who could answer and/or explain why we could not provide an answer)

If no, please let us know why

3. Which of our regular LPS Statistics Branch publications do you read or use? (tick all that apply) **list of our main publications**
4. Do you find the publications you read or use meet your needs?
5. What do you use LPS Statistics Branch Statistics/Research for? (Select all that apply)