Supplementary Consultation on Domestic Rating Measures
In November 2023 the Department of Finance consulted on 7 rates proposals: 4 in the non-domestic sector, and 3 in the domestic sector.
The consultation process was advertised in the local press and attracted a significant amount of coverage in local and national media, and social media; it launched on 7 November 2023.
The Department offered in-person consultation events and delivered 8 public briefings including with Councils, Chambers of Commerce and business organisations, and received valuable feedback. Online meetings were also held as part of the process.
1,406 written responses were received by the closing date for the consultation. Responses were received from individual ratepayers, district councils, businesses, voluntary and community organisations and professional bodies.
The associated summary consultation report was published on 10 September 2024.
Revenue Raising Consultation Summary Report (
Despite the very specific scope of the consultation process, the process served to refresh and inform thinking to help assess how the domestic and non-domestic rating systems operate, and to gain fresh sectoral insights into changes that may be required.
This consultation now builds on that process, and the feedback to the Department received as part of it. It aims to garner additional input, by way of supplementary consultation, in relation to two proposals refining policy proposals put forward previously.
The two proposals being looked at by the Department in this supplementary consultation are:-
Proposal One
- Increasing the maximum capital value cap (“the cap” or “max cap”) within the domestic rating system from £400,000 to £485,000
Proposal Two
- Reduction in the Early Payment Discount from 4% to 2%
Why your views matter
The proposals set out here will have a direct impact on many people’s lives. The Department of Finance recognises the need to keep the public informed on such important matters and to allow people the opportunity to comment on the policy proposals. This consultation therefore invites people to answer a number of questions in relation to the changes. The questions are posed throughout the document.
Give us your views
- Homeowners
- Public Spending