Consultation on NICS Recruitment Advertising

Closed 2 Oct 2023

Opened 7 Aug 2023


Consultation on NICS Recruitment Advertising

The Department of Finance has launched its consultation to seek your views on proposed policy changes to the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) Recruitment Policy, specifically the provisions relating to recruitment advertising.

The proposed policy amendment would remove the mandatory requirement to advertise every job opportunity in the three local daily newspapers and allow for a more flexible approach to recruitment advertising, with a default minimum requirement to advertise all recruitment opportunities online via the NICS recruitment website.

The proposal would also allow for a variety of other advertising channels to be used, as appropriate, (which could include newspaper & print media), to deliver a tailored advertising, marketing, and outreach strategy based on the job role/recruitment competition and value for money considerations.

Further detail on the background is contained in the full consultation document available here:


The consultation will run for 8 weeks from 07 August 2023 – 02 October 2023.  A short set of questions have been prepared to assist you in responding to this consultation.  The responses will then be analysed and considered.

It should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete these questions and we want to hear from as many people as possible on all the questions in the consultation.

Impact Assessments

A Section 75 Equality Screening and a Rural Needs Impact Assessment have been completed, the outcomes of which are available at the bottom of this page or by clicking here:

Alternative Formats

Copies in other languages and formats, (including Braille, large print etc.), can be made available on request.  If it would assist you to access this document in an alternative format or language other than English, please contact us using the e-mail address below.

E-mail at:


  • Citizens


  • Policy Development