Stage 1 Engagement for the North West Transport Plan 2035
Feedback updated 18 Feb 2025
We asked
We asked for views on the draft Vision and Objectives for NWTP. We also asked for local insignt on the transport challenges and opportunities within the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.
You said
An engagment report will be published shortly on the NWTP project webpage supporting documents page.
We did
We will analyise the reponse to help inform the ongoing perpreation of the NWTP. Latest project updates are available on the NWTP project webpage.
The Department for Infrastructure, with the assistance of consultants Aecom, is preparing a new Transport Plan for Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC) area, called the North West Transport Plan 2035 (NWTP).
The NWTP covers local transport issues: active travel, public transport, the local road network and parking etc. It will set the framework for transport policy and investment decisions up until 2035. The NWTP will provide most detail in the settlements of Derry and Strabane. It will also consider local transport issues across the District, where appropriate.
The future development of the Regional Strategic Transport Network (RSTN) is not considered as part of the NWTP. This means changes to strategic roads such as the A5 and the railway network are not being considered in the NWTP. These will be considered separately in a new Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan (RSTN TP) 2035 currently being prepared by the Department. The NWTP will maximise and build on the regional connectivity connections of the RSTN.
The NWTP does not consider changes to Community Transport operations or the provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. These matters are being considered separately by the Department at a regional level and will be integrated as appropriate into the NWTP.
The NWTP is being prepared in 5 stages as shown in the Figure 1 below. We are at Stage 1 - the beginning of the Transport Plan preparation process. The purpose of this early engagement exercise is to gather your views about the transport needs within your area and about the draft Vision and Objectives of the Transport Plan. The formal consultation of the Transport Plan, will be undertaken later in the process at Stage 4.
More information on the NWTP is available on the Departments website [Link].
Public Engagement events will be held between 2:00pm and 4:00pm in Strabane Central Library on 24th September and in Derry Central Library on 26th September.
Figure 1 - NWTP Prepreperation Process
Why your views matter
Your views are important and will help shape the measures and schemes that will be included in the NWTP. This is why we are engaging at this early stage and encourage you to take part in this survey and share it with others who will be interested.
What happens next
We will consider your views made as part of this engagement exercise as part of the preparation process. The draft NWTP alongside associated assessments will be published in mid-2025.
- Citizens
- Political Representatives
- Disability Organisations
- People with Disabilities
- Community & Voluntary Organisations
- Schools
- Bikers
- Motorcyclists
- Drivers
- Transport
- Accessibility
- Disability
- Community
- Rural
- Environment
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