Opens 13 Nov 2024

Closes 28 Feb 2025


This Active Travel Delivery Plan has been developed to provide a firm basis for the prioritisation, design, and delivery of active travel infrastructure over the next ten years and beyond. The plan outlines how we will prioritise active travel schemes and includes proposed active travel network plans for our larger towns and cities.  It also explains how we will incorporate UK and International best practice into our designs.

The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 recognises the value of active travel and includes a provision for the Department to “develop sectoral plans for transport which set a minimum spend on active travel from the overall transport budgets of 10%”.

Investing in active travel infrastructure can help make our streets feel safer and more accessible for the many people who want greater choice in how they travel, particularly for shorter everyday journeys. It can also help to reduce traffic congestion, reduce air pollution and tackle climate change, particularly in combination with public transport.

We want an active travel network that everyone feels safe and confident to use , making it easier to switch from the private car, to walking, wheeling and cycling for those shorter trips such as to and from work, school and local amenities.

To support delivery of the plan we have updated our policies and design guidance for Active Travel.  This will help ensure that the infrastructure we build is high quality, inclusive and consistent across the network.

People and communities are at the heart of this Plan.  Active travel is for everyone, regardless of age or ability. We want to ensure that our plans are accessible and welcoming, and our work helps us design places where people feel happy and safe.

The input of communities is central to ensuring our vision is met, and the purpose of this consultation is to give you an opportunity to help shape the plan before it is finalised.

This consultation document sets out:

• The definition and benefits of active travel

• Our vision for active travel

• Information on how the Active Travel Network Delivery Plan has been developed

• Information on other work ongoing to support the implementation of the Active Travel Network Delivery Plan

• How you can help shape the Active Travel Network Delivery Plan.

Why your views matter

We have outlined our plans for the delivery of Active Travel Infrastructure - we now need you to give us your views.

By commenting on our proposals you can help shape the developing active travel network in your area.

Consultation is online via Citizen Space and will open on 13 November 2024.

We plan to hold a number of engagement events during the consultation period. 

Please use the [QR Code] or visit [wwww…..]to access the online consultation or find out about the consultation events.

We would like to receive your comments by 28th February 2025.

After the consultation ends, we will review all the feedback.  Following this, a report will be published showing how your comments have influenced the final Active Travel Delivery Plan.

There will be further opportunities to give your views on specific schemes moving forward with local engagement on each scheme.  These future engagement sessions will focus on more detailed aspects of the plans, during the design development process, allowing for more targeted feedback.

Give us your views

This activity will open on 13 Nov 2024. Please come back on or after this date to give us your views.



  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport