Living with Water in Derry/Londonderry Consultation

Closes 7 Apr 2025

Your feedback

1. Do you agree that there are significant flooding, drainage and wastewater management issues within the Plan area.
2. Do you agree with the catchment based approach to address drainage and wastewater management problems?
3. Do you agree that we need to place more emphasis on natural flood management (NFM) and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to improve how we manage water flowing through our urban areas including utilising green space for water?
4. Do you agree that we have identified the main pressures and issues and set the correct objectives for each catchment area, as set out in Chapter 2?
5. Are you in agreement with the potential opportunities that have been identified in the draft Plan?
6. Are you aware of any other potential opportunities in each of the areas or do you have any other comments you wish to make on the draft Living With Water in Derry Plan?