Survey of the NICS Policy Profession

Closes 21 Jul 2024

Opened 1 Jul 2024


Do you consider yourself to be a Policy Professional and would like to take part in opportunities to further develop your career in the Policy Profession?

Or do you consider yourself to be on the margins of the Policy Profession and are open to development opportunities as a Policy Professional?

We want to hear from you.

Who or what are Policy Professionals?

The policy function comprises those activities of the NICS that go into the development and implementation of both public and corporate policies.

A policy role is one in which the distinctive aspect of the role (that is to say, where it differs from other civil service roles) is that it principally comprises at least one of the policy activities:

  1. policy management,
  2. strategic direction and performance,
  3. policy design,
  4. policy delivery and implementation.

Personal Data

All personal data will be deleted once the relevant statistical information has been produced at the end of the survey, with the exception of email addresses provided for contact purposes.  If you provide your work email address for us to contact you about future workshops, discussions and/or training events we will add you to the NICS Policy Profession Community mailing list. The mailing list will include an unsubscribe option, to allow individuals to remove their email address from the list at any time.

Why your views matter

At the heart of the NICS’s role is the development and implementation of policies that promote wellbeing for everyone in our society and secure the best outcomes for the public.  Through our service to Ministers, we seek to serve the whole community.

To deliver good policies, we need to ensure that we have the necessary resources.  This means the right people with the right skills in the right posts. We are seeking to identify how many people identify themselves with the policy function, who you are and what you can or could contribute to the delivery of policy.

We want to provide all NICS Policy Professionals with opportunities to develop in the Policy Profession. The results from this survey will be used to inform the future direction. We hope that by taking part in this survey you are willing to contribute to that.

Give us your views


  • DOJ Staff
  • DFC Staff
  • DFI Staff
  • DoF Staff
  • DE Staff
  • DfE Staff
  • DAERA Staff
  • TEO Staff
  • DOH Staff
  • HSCNI Staff
  • PHA Staff
  • ICT Grades


  • Engagement