Proposals to revise marine licensing fees

Closed 3 Sep 2024

Opened 9 Jul 2024


This consultation seeks views on proposals to amend marine licensing fees charged by DAERA in its role as the marine licensing authority for the Northern Ireland in-shore region (0-12 nautical miles).

The consultation seeks views on two sets of proposals, these are:-

• proposals to amend the current fees for determining applications for marine licences. The objective of this is to increase the Department’s cost recovery rate in short term; and

• proposals to increase the range of marine licensing services for which the Department can recover its costs, such as:- the provision of pre-application advice or other assistance, monitoring compliance with licensing conditions, variation, suspension, revocation, or transfer of a licence. This will  involve amending the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MCAA 2009) most likely via an Act of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

DAERA is also seeking views on a draft Equality and Disability Screening, draft Rural Needs Assessment and draft Regulatory Impact Assessment which have been prepared in respect of the proposed amendments to marine licensing fees.

This consultation is likely to be of interest to businesses, operators, clubs/associations and individuals, conservation bodies and environmental groups that have an interest in the authorisation of activities which can impact on the marine environment, navigational safety, and human health.

Why your views matter

DAERA recognises the need to keep people informed and to give people the opportunity to comment on our policy proposals. The consultation therefore invites people to answer a number of questions on proposals to increase marine licensing fees in line with the requirements of “Managing Public Money NI” in order to deliver a more effective marine licensing system.

What happens next

Once the consultation has closed (3rd September 24) the Department will develop and respond with a synopsis of responses which will list stakeholder comments/concerns and its answers to the matters raised by those respondents. The synopsis will be considered by the AERA committee in making its reponse and the Minister in making a decision. 


  • Online stakeholder event

    From 23 Aug 2024 at 12:00 to 23 Aug 2024 at 13:30

    Online lunchtime event
    The online event will still take place on the 23rd August. Commencing at 12 noon and finishing 1.30pm. This is an opportunity to discuss the detail of the proposals and make yourself aware of operational and policy changes linked to marine licensing that are currently being considered.
    Please confirm your attendance by sending your acknowledgement to


  • All stakeholders
  • Business
  • Voluntary and Community Sector
  • Stakeholders


  • Agriculture
  • Environment
  • Fisheries