Application for DAERA Postgraduate Studentship 2025

Closes 25 Feb 2025

Section G: Shortlisting Evidence and Preparation for Interview

Please read Section 6 of the Terms and Conditions 2025/26 before completing sections G.

Shortlisting Evidence: the panel will use criteria 1 (Section G1) and 2 (Section G2) if we shortlist candidates for interview.

Preparation for Interview: the panel will use criteria 1 (Section G1) and 2 (Section G2) at interview, along with criterion 3 (Section G3). A selection panel will design questions to test your knowledge and experience in each of the three criteria and award accordingly. 

The panel will only see sections E, F, G and H of your application.

Please note a character limit is in place for some answers.

Criterion 1 (Section G1):    

You must provide the strength of evidence at section G1 to demonstrate how your research proposal meets the selected Research Need 2025. As evidence, you also need to explain who the target audience is for your research, describe how the results will be used and the potential impact your research will have, including economic impact. The panel will assess your evidence for shortlisting purposes but no marks will be carried over to the interview stage.

Criterion 2   (Section G2):

You must provide the strength of evidence at section G2 to demonstrate the quality of your research proposal. As evidence, you need to explain the scientific merit of your proposal, the innovative approach, the hypothesis and an understanding of proposed statistical analysis. The panel will assess your evidence for shortlisting purposes but no marks will be carried over to the interview stage.

Criterion 3  (Section G3)

You must be able to demonstrate your experience and ability to manage projects to meet deadlines. You will also need to demonstrate the skills you will use to ensure the research is completed within the 3 year timescale. 

Candidates will not be permitted to use notes they may have prepared in responding to panel members' questions at interview.