NICS Women's Network Getting to know you Jubilee House April/May sessions

Closes 20 May 2025

Opened 17 Mar 2025


Those of us of that can work from home enjoy the benefits of what this has brought to us, but sometimes we miss out on those connections that can only be built in person. Our monthly networking get togethers provide an invaluable, informal and relaxed opportunity for you to meet fellow colleagues across DAERA and DfC, enabling you to introduce yourself to others, and to build those important professional connections that help us get our work done.   

So, whether you are new to DAERA or DfC and want to meet and introduce yourself to fellow colleagues in Jubilee House, or you want to catch up with old colleagues you haven’t spoken to in a while, come along on Wednesday 2 April or Wednesday 21 May from 10-10.30am in the multi-function space in the Connect2 Hub.  

You don’t have to be a Women’s Network member to attend, just bring your cuppa, grab a seat and enjoy getting to know your colleagues. 

For health and safety reasons, and so that we can manage numbers, we do ask those attending to register in advance.

Please register below

Register here


  • DFC Staff
  • DAERA Staff


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