Environmental Impact Assessment forestry consultation for Creggan Forest, Co. Tyrone. ERA 23/24-46

Closes 5 Aug 2024

Opened 5 Jul 2024


The Department is required to give an opinion on proposed projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended).

Project reference: ERA23/24-46


Reference ERA23/24-46
Project type Deforestation

Creggan Forest, Co. Tyrone.

Grid Reference

H 60934 79018 and

H 64554 80368

Creggan 79.2 hectares

Kinnagillian 101.5 hectares
Project description Peatland restoration requiring the removal of conifer trees.  The Department does not propose to prepare an environmental statement in respect of this project

An opinion under the Regulations is formed taking account of the selection criteria specified in the legislation. An opinion may be ‘relevant’ if it is considered that a project is likely to have a significant effect on the environment or ‘not relevant’ if a project is considered unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment. Each project is required to comply with the UK Forestry Standard, which describes the governments’ approach to sustainable forestry.

Why your views matter

Any person may obtain information from, or make representations in writing to, the Department in relation to the likely environmental effects of the proposed projects by contacting Policy and Regulation Branch at 028 6634 3034 or by emailing forest.regulation@daera-ni.gov.uk  by 5 August 2024.

Give Us Your Views


  • Anyone from any background


  • Environment