Consultation on Proposed Future Arrangements for Public Intervention (PI) and Private Storage Aid (PSA) Rules

Closed 7 Nov 2023

Opened 29 Aug 2023


The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is seeking views on proposed amendments to Public Intervention (PI) and Private Storage Aid (PSA) rules.

Following the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU), legislation which provided for intervention in the agricultural markets, and the provision of financial support to the agricultural sector, during actual or threatened severe market disturbance remained in place.  DAERA is now considering making amendments to this legislation, relating to public intervention and private storage aid.  DAERA wants to ensure that these arrangements are more appropriate to local circumstances and better suit the new Future Farm Support and Development Programme that will operate in Northern Ireland.


Why your views matter

We welcome views from all sectors, age-groups, organisations and individuals and consultation responses will be used to inform recommendations on the way forward for an incoming Minister to consider

This public consultation is open for a period of eight weeks until 24 October 2023. We encourage you to respond as early as possible.

Equality and Rural Needs Screenings have been completed for this consultation and are available for download below. 

Alternative Formats

On request we can arrange to provide other formats of this document, such as:

• Paper Copy

• Large Print

• Braille

• Other languages

To request an alternative format, please contact us:

Sustainable Agri Food Development Division

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

1st Floor West Clare House

303 Airport Road West




Equality and Rural Needs Screening 

Equality and Rural Needs Screening documents are available for download below.


  • All stakeholders
  • Citizens
  • Business
  • Government Department
  • Local Government
  • Statutory Body
  • Private Sector
  • DAERA Staff
  • Political Representatives


  • Rural Development Programme
  • Climate Change
  • Farming
  • Agriculture
  • Environment
  • Rural
  • Consultation
  • Engagement
  • Policy Development
  • Communications