Consultation on a proposed Bill to amend Legacy EU Common Market Organisation (CMO) Schemes

Closed 27 May 2024

Opened 3 Apr 2024


The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (The Department) is seeking views on a proposal to bring forward new legislation that would provide scope to amend the legislation that governs two legacy EU schemes, Fruit and Vegetable Aid (FVAS) and Agri-Food Information and Promotion (promotions schemes) in Northern Ireland.

The Department proposes to bring forward a small 'Bill', which is the name given to proposed law when introduced into the Assembly and then (after debate and approval by MLA's and Royal Assent), becomes law as an 'Act'.  The proposal is for a Bill which will make legacy FVAS funding discretionary and provide the Department with the scope to amend the law governing these schemes so that they can reflect future policy developments.

It is this narrow proposal that the Department is specifically seeking views on in this consultation.  Stakeholders are also invited to consider the equality and rural impacts of this proposal.

The consultation document and draft assessments can be viewed on the Department's website at:


  • All stakeholders
  • DAERA Staff
  • Business
  • Political representatives


  • Farming
  • Agriculture
  • Consultation
  • Engagement
  • Communications