Consultation on the establishment of a Just Transition Commission

Closes 17 Jan 2025

Opened 11 Nov 2024


Consultation on the establishment of a Just Transition Commission for Northern Ireland.

The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 (the Act) sets out Northern Ireland’s framework for tackling climate change and reducing emissions. The Act places requirements on all Northern Ireland departments relating to delivering just transition objectives, and it also includes requirements for the establishment of a Just Transition Commission (Commission).

The duty to establish the Commission is the responsibility of DAERA. The Act states that the functions of the Commission will include overseeing the implementation of the just transition elements of the Act and to provide advice to departments on how to ensure that their emissions reduction policies and plans required under the Act including Climate Action Plans (CAP) comply with the just transition principle.

The just transition principle aims to promote fairness during the transition from a high emissions to low-emissions economy and to ensure support is provided to those who are most affected by climate change, particularly those who may have done the least to cause it or may be the least equipped to adapt to its effects. High-level objectives include taking action to reduce emissions in a manner which helps to support environmentally sustainable jobs, low-carbon investment, and infrastructure.

Ensuring that Northern Ireland reaches its net zero goal in a way that is fair, sustainable and balanced is a priority for the NI Executive and the establishment of the Commission is an essential element in supporting the delivery of that ambition.

Why your views matter

The aim of this consultation is to gather respondents’ views on the establishment of the Commission for Northern Ireland and on the draft Regulations which have been prepared to establish and govern the functions of the body.

Responses to this consultation will be used to inform the work being conducted by DAERA to establish the body, as well as informing the new Commission of the views of the public as to what duties and responsibilities are seen as being important in conducting its role.

This consultation will focus on the proposals for the Regulations to establish the Commission i.e., the legislation that will set out the type of public body the Commission should be, its composition, the Commission’s role and legislated functions, the proposed sectors to be represented, its reporting arrangements and the secretariat and support required.

The consultation will run for nine weeks, after which DAERA officials will review all the consultation responses and refine the draft Regulations as appropriate before submitting to the Minister for approval. The Regulations will then go through the necessary legislative process in the NI Assembly including a debate to approve the Regulations.

Have your say on the Consultation on the establishment of the Just Transition Commission for Northern Ireland


  • Anyone from any background


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