A Call for Evidence on DAERA's Future Operational Protocol to Assess the Impacts of Air Pollution on the Natural Environment

Closed 27 Oct 2023

Opened 21 Jul 2023


The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has published a Call for Evidence on its Future Operational Protocol to Assess the Impacts of Air Pollution on the Natural Environment

The current Operational Protocol used by DAERA was developed in 2012. Since 2012, the body of scientific evidence on the impacts of air pollution on designated sites and protected habitats has greatly increased. Recent case law also must be taken into consideration. These factors underpin the need for a new Operational Protocol.

DAERA, in its role as the appropriate nature conservation body in Northern Ireland as set out in The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, Section 5 has a duty to provide advice to planning authorities and other competent authorities on the potential impacts of air pollution, including ammonia, from plans and projects on designated sites and protected habitats. NIEA performs this function for terrestrial/freshwater environments, on behalf of DAERA. This advice is provided through the use of an Operational Protocol.

The aim of this Call for Evidence is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to submit additional evidence that will contribute to the development and delivery of a scientifically robust, evidence-informed, Operational Protocol to protect our natural environment and ensure sustainable development, for consideration by an incoming Minister and future Executive.

Why your views matter

The aim of this Call for Evidence is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to submit additional evidence that will contribute to the development and delivery of a scientifically robust, evidence-informed, Operational Protocol to protect our natural environment and ensure sustainable development. We look forward to hearing from you.

Responses to this consultation are invited until 11.59pm on 27 October 2023

If you are unable to complete the survey online please contact the Ammonia Policy team by email at: ammonia@daera-ni.gov.uk or if you would like to speak to a member of the team about the Call for Evidence please let us know by contacting us at ammonia@daera-ni.gov.uk.    



The information you provide in completing this consultation will be controlled and processed in line with Data Protection Legislation by DAERA. To find out more about how we handle your personal information, DAERA’s Privacy Notice can be viewed online at  http://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/daera-privacy-statement

What happens next

The results of the SEA consultation will be considered and a SEA Statement document will be published presenting how the recommendation of the Environmental Report and the views of the statutory consultees and other submissions received during consultation, have influenced the preparation of the Ammonia Strategy and the Operation Protocol. It will also provide information on the arrangements put in place for monitoring the implementation of the Ammonia Strategy and Operation Protocol following their finalisation.


  • Higher education students
  • All stakeholders
  • Research


  • Higher Education
  • Climate Change
  • Water Regulation
  • Waste Regulation
  • Pollution Control
  • Farming
  • Agriculture
  • Environment
  • Wildlife
  • Scientific
  • NIEA
  • Environment