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1171 results

  • MOC - Antrim Bank Holiday and Weekend working Rota Principles Survey

    The Weekend Working Group has established a number of proposals for producing and managing the allocation of Bank Holidays and weekend days. This survey seeks to discover which of the options presented is considered as the most agreeable to the majority of staff. Please answer this survey if you are affected by the MOC for Antrim Bank holiday and weekend service. More
    Opened 8 May 2023
  • NHSCT Domiciliary Care Staff Annual Survey 22/23

    Annual Domiciliary Care Quality Report Staff Survey More
    Opened 5 May 2023
  • NICS Women’s Network – The Year Ahead Planning Survey

    We are currently putting together the NICS Women’s Network events calendar for the year ahead and need your help. As members of the Network we would love to have your input on what themes you would like to see covered, what type of events you would like to attend and what you would like from the Network going forward. The NICS Women’s Network relies on our members to not only attend any events we hold but also to organise and host these events. Therefore, we are... More
    Opened 3 May 2023
  • Walking For Health Participant Evaluation

    A survey to evaluate the impact of Walking for Health Groups from a walk participant perspective. More
    Opened 2 May 2023
  • LPS RE:Connect - 31st May 2023

    Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements or if you have any questions you would like to ask the leadership team. We will make time to address these during the event. More
    Opened 26 April 2023
  • LPS RE:Connect - 1st June 2023

    Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements or if you have any questions you would like to ask the leadership team. We will make time to address these during the event. More
    Opened 26 April 2023
  • LPS RE:Connect - 2nd June 2023

    Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements or if you have any questions you would like to ask the leadership team. We will make time to address these during the event. More
    Opened 26 April 2023
  • LPS RE:Connect - 15th June 2023

    Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements or if you have any questions you would like to ask the leadership team. We will make time to address these during the event. More
    Opened 26 April 2023
  • LPS RE:Connect - 13th June 2023

    Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements or if you have any questions you would like to ask the leadership team. We will make time to address these during the event. More
    Opened 26 April 2023
  • Speech and Language Therapy Clinical record keeping & record management audit form

    Please answer the following audit questions on Clinical Record Keeping and Record Management. More
    Opened 24 April 2023
  • Evaluation of how effective Pregnancy and Early Postnatal Plans are within the Maternity Setting

    The aim is to evaluate how effective Pregnancy and Early Postnatal Plans are used to communicate the specific needs of women with serious mental health illness within the Maternity care setting. More
    Opened 24 April 2023
  • TEO SO/DP Mentoring Circles Self-Assessment April 2023

    TEO Mentoring Circles - SO/DP - April 2023 Mentees Self-Assessment As part of the evaluation process could you please take a few minutes to complete this self-assessment questionnaire. More
    Opened 19 April 2023
  • EMDR Child L2 Training Evaluation (March 2023)

    We would really appreciate your feedback on the recent EMDR Child L2 training that you attended (March 2023). This is to help us decide if this training was beneficial to you in your job role and to help in future training planning. This survey will only take a couple of minutes to complete. More
    Opened 17 April 2023
  • Evaluators Feedback Survey

    The Land Registration Delivery Partner Project has now completed Competitive Dialogue (CD) Phase 1, including the evaluation of the initial Detailed Solutions. The Project is now moving into Phase 2 during which the Bidders will be invited to submit their Final Tenders. More
    Opened 16 April 2023
  • Adult Online Art Class

    Dear colleague, Thank you for attending the Adult Online Art Workshop arranged and funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust as part of their Arts and Wellbeing Strategy. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to provide some feedback on the workshop by answering the following questions within this survey. More
    Opened 14 April 2023
  • Children's Pokemon Inspired Art Workshop

    Dear colleague, Thank you for attending the Children's Pokemon Inspired Online Art Workshop arranged and funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust as part of their Arts and Wellbeing Strategy. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to provide some feedback on the workshop by answering the following questions within this survey. More
    Opened 14 April 2023
  • The Very Secret Florist Workshop

    Dear colleague, Thank you for attending The Very Secret Florist Workshop arranged and funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust as part of their Arts and Wellbeing Strategy. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to provide some feedback on the workshop by answering the following questions within this survey. More
    Opened 14 April 2023
  • Spring Forward Easter Themed Hand Sewing Workshop

    Dear colleague, Thank you for attending the 'Spring Forward' Easter Themed Hand Sewing Workshop arranged and funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust as part of their Arts and Wellbeing Strategy. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to provide some feedback on the workshop by answering the following questions within this survey. More
    Opened 14 April 2023
  • Claude Monet Inspired Online Art Workshop

    Dear colleague, Thank you for attending the Claude Monet Inspired Art Workshop arranged and funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust as part of their Arts and Wellbeing Strategy. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to provide some feedback on the workshop by answering the following questions within this survey. More
    Opened 14 April 2023
  • Fused Glass Easter Themed Workshop

    Dear colleague, Thank you for attending the Fused Glass Easter Themed Workshop arranged and funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust as part of their Arts and Wellbeing Strategy. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to provide some feedback on the workshop by answering the following questions within this survey. More
    Opened 14 April 2023
  • Make Your Own Vase Workshop

    Dear colleague, Thank you for attending the Make Your Own Vase Workshop arranged and funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust as part of their Arts and Wellbeing Strategy. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to provide some feedback on the workshop by answering the following questions within this survey. More
    Opened 14 April 2023
  • Portal Staff Survey

    To obtain portal staff views on their roles and responsibilities. More
    Opened 6 April 2023
  • Northern Ireland Pharmacy Technician and Pharmacy Support Staff Survey 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to complete The Northern Ireland (NI) Pharmacy Technician and Pharmacy Support Staff Workforce Survey 2023. It is for all individual Pharmacy Technician and Support Staff in NI to complete and will allow a better understanding of the current numbers and skills mix in the pharmacy workforce. More
    Opened 6 April 2023
  • OAGNI Staff Engagement Event

    Following the Staff Enagagement Event for the Office of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland, which took place on Thurs 30 March 2023, we would be grateful if you could provide some feedback from the session and would also welcome your views on next steps. We would also like to thank you for your participation at the Staff Engagement Event. More
    Opened 6 April 2023
  • Revised Regional Strategic Planning Policy - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

    The aim of this review is to ensure that strategic planning policy on renewable and low carbon energy development remains fit for purpose and up to date to inform decision-making in relation to development proposals for this subject area. It is also intended to inform the Local Development Plan (LDP) process and enable plan-makers to bring forward appropriate local policy approaches, all within the framework of regional strategic planning policy and the wider contemporary context for... More
    Opened 6 April 2023
  • BHSCT Breastfeeding Peer Support Volunteer Returns April 23 to March 24

    To collate breastfeeding peer support volunteer monthly returns. More
    Opened 5 April 2023
  • Breastfeeding Peer Support Volunteer Returns April 23 to March 24

    To collate breastfeeding peer support volunteer returns. More
    Opened 5 April 2023
  • Section 75a Equal Opportunities Form Breastfeeding Peer Support (MOHAL) 24-25

    We would appreciate your time in completing the following equal opportunities monitoring form. Your answers are totally anoymous. All information collected will be held in line with GDPR and the SH&SCT privacy policy. Thank you for taking the time to improve our programmes. More
    Opened 4 April 2023
  • 2023 Section 75a Equal Opportunities Form Breastfeeding Peer Support (MOHAL)

    We would appreciate your time in completing the following equal opportunities monitoring form. Your answers are totally anoymous. All information collected will be held in line with GDPR and the SH&SCT privacy policy. Thank you for taking the time to improve our programmes. More
    Opened 4 April 2023
  • Your Experience of the Pain Management Programme (PMP)

    You recently attended the PMP within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust. In order to maintain and improve the quality of our services, we are interested in what you thought and any gains that you experienced. Information is collected anonymously and you are not asked for information which could identify you personally. More
    Opened 3 April 2023
1171 results. Page 18 of 39