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1092 results

  • Psychology Service Evaluation Form for Diabetes Staff 2022

    Psychology Service Evaluation Form for Diabetes Staff Paediatric and Neonatal Clinical Psychology Service More
    Closed 7 September 2022
  • Psychology Service Evaluation for Children and Young People with Complex Physical Health Care Needs 2022

    Paediatric & Neonatal Clinical Psychology Service for Children and Young People with Complex Physical Health Care Needs Staff Feedback Survey Paediatric and Neonatal Clinical Psychology Service More
    Closed 7 September 2022
  • Psychology Service Evaluation Form for NNU Staff 2022

    Psychology Service Evaluation Form for NNU Staff Paediatric and Neonatal Clinical Psychology Service. More
    Closed 7 September 2022
  • Infection Education Session - Delivered by Andy Bryan 02/09/2022 Feedback Survey

    Feedback Survey from the Education Session Delivered More
    Closed 8 September 2022
  • NICS Women's Network International Women's Day 2023

    NICS Women’s Network Management Committee would like to hear from YOU! We are commencing our plans for International Women’s Day 2023. As well as the main theme for 2023, which has not yet been released, we would also like to incorporate the New Ways of Working and we want input from our members on what is important to you. More
    Closed 12 September 2022
  • Scoping Exercise - Blood Sample Collection from GP Services

    The Southern Trust recognises the impact of limited collections of blood samples from GP Practices; usually there is only one collection per day. There are a number of consequences to this e.g. discarded sample (as they are too old to process reliably), or patients being requested to return at another time to provide suitable samples. We are endeavouring to quantify the negative impact of limited collection runs on service delivery, patient care and health outcomes. More
    Closed 14 September 2022
  • Fusion Quality Board

    Who is this for? Those editing OSNI Fusion, through Field Survey, Monoplotting, Stereo, or SDE More
    Closed 20 September 2022
  • Pre-workshop questionnaire: Trauma Informed Practice Sept 22

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this online questionnaire which should take no longer than 3 mins to complete. Prior to completing the day long workshop in Trauma Infomed Practice this questionanire will ask you to rate your knowledge of trauma informed practice . At the end of the workshop we will ask you to complete a similair questionanaire. Repsonses from both pre and post workshop questionnaires will be used to evaluate the workshop More
    Closed 21 September 2022
  • Leading Team North Virtual Conference Evaluation 2022

    Thank you for attending the Leading Team North Virtual Conference on Monday 5th September 2022 . We would appreciate if you could take the time to complete the short questionnaire at the link below to aid us in the evaluation process. More
    Closed 22 September 2022
  • Paediatric Psychology Workshop for Parents

    Dear parent/guardian, Paediatric Psychology are thinking about developing a workshop for parents/guardians of children and young people who have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy. Paediatric Psychology work with young people and parents about how they feel, think and behave - particularly when a young person might have difficulties with a medical condition or treatment. We are hoping that this workshop will help support parents/guardians with the emotional aspect of a... More
    Closed 22 September 2022
  • Post-workshop questionnaire: Trauma Informed Practice Sept 22

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this online questionnaire which should take no longer than 5 mins to complete. After completing the day long workshop in Trauma Informed Practice, this questionanire will now ask you to rate your knowledge of Trauma Informed Practice. You will also be asked to rate how useful you found todays workshop. All responses are anonymous and your feedback will be used to help us evaluate the content and quality of today's workshop More
    Closed 23 September 2022
  • NI WARP satisfaction survey

    The purpose of this survey is to get your feedback on the NI WARP to help us improve in the future. The purpose of the WARP is receive and share up-to-date advice on information security threats, incidents and solutions. More
    Closed 26 September 2022
  • Walk Leader training evaluation 21 September 2022

    Following your attendance at our online workshop we would appreciate if you would complete the following short survey. It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please be assured that all responses will be kept confidential as outlined in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Data Protection regulations and Data Protection Act 2018 Policy, which is available on request. More
    Closed 28 September 2022
  • Walk Leader training evaluation 21st September 2022

    Following your attendance at our online webinar or workshop we would appreciate if you would complete the following short survey. It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please be assured that all responses will be kept confidential as outlined in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Data Protection regulations and Data Protection Act 2018 Policy, which is available on request. More
    Closed 28 September 2022
  • Infection Education Session - Anti-infective products by Menarini 08/04/2022 Feedback Survey

    Feedback Survey from the Education Session Delivered More
    Closed 29 September 2022
  • Infection Education Session - DIFICLIR for treatment of CDI 23/09/2022 Feedback Survey

    Feedback Survey from the Education Session Delivered More
    Closed 29 September 2022
  • TOY Guide & Hub Survey

    The Billing & Service Support & Improvement Teams are seeking to gather feedback from staff regarding the structure and information presented in the TOY Guide and the TOY Hub ( Turn Of Year (TOY) 2022 | NICS Intranet ( ) on the intranet and any concerns they may have. Please take five minutes to let us know what you think. All responses are anonymous. More
    Closed 30 September 2022
  • Socialwellbeingtool

    Social Well Being Tool Survey More
    Closed 30 September 2022
  • Digital-Strategy-Your-Views

    Our Digital Strategy sets out an ambitious agenda for health and social care over the next eight years .We are at the start of what is an exciting, yet challenging, digital change journey that will see us make major investments to support the delivery of quality care to the people of Northern Ireland. Give you views We are seeking your views on our Digital Strategy. More
    Closed 30 September 2022
  • ASD Leadership and Management event

    ASD Leadership and Management Event More
    Closed 30 September 2022
  • TOY Staff Communication Survey

    The Billing & Service Support & Improvement Teams are seeking to gather feedback from staff regarding the structure and information communicated to staff in regards to TOY and any concerns they may have. Please take five minutes to let us know what you think. All responses are anonymous. More
    Closed 30 September 2022
  • Labour Market Statistics User Group Meeting 2022 Feedback Questionnaire

    The Labour Market Statistics User Group meets annually to discuss an overview of recent and planned developments. It is also an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions or learn about methodological issues. We would be very grateful for any feedback on our annual Labour Market Statistics User Group meetings. More
    Closed 6 October 2022
  • Infection Education Session - Finsen THOR UVC Technologies 30/09/2022 Feedback Survey

    Feedback Survey from the Education Session Delivered More
    Closed 6 October 2022
  • RISE NI - Sensory Motor Group Evaluation

    RISE NI - Sensory Motor Group Evaluation Please take some time to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responces are anonymous. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. Thanks for taking the time to do this. More
    Opened 7 October 2022
  • Paediatric 1st Aid training - 29th September 2022

    Following your attendance at our online webinar or workshop we would appreciate if you would complete the following short survey. It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please be assured that all responses will be kept confidential as outlined in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Data Protection regulations and Data Protection Act 2018 Policy, which is available on request. More
    Closed 10 October 2022
  • Oct 22 Pre-workshop questionnaire: Collaborative working

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this online questionnaire which should take no longer than 3 mins to complete. Prior to completing the day long workshop in Working Collaboratively at Stressful Times, this questionanire will ask you to rate your knowledge of collaborative working skills and how confident you are in using them in your clinical practice. At the end of the workshop we will ask you to complete a similair questionanaire. Repsonses from both pre and post workshop... More
    Closed 12 October 2022
  • Oct 22 Post-workshop questionnaire: Collaborative working

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this online questionnaire which should take no longer than 5 mins to complete. After completing the day long workshop in Working Collaboratively at Stressful Times, this questionanire will ask you to rate your knowledge of collaborative working skills and how confident you are in using them in your clinical practice. Responses from both pre and post workshop questionnaires will be used to evaluate the workshop More
    Closed 14 October 2022
  • RISE NI - Sensory Regulation Workshop

    Please take a few minutes to respond to the questions below about the session. Your responces are anonymous. Thanks for taking the time to do this. What you write will help us make the session more responsive to your concerns. More
    Opened 17 October 2022
  • Regional Workforce Review across Learning Disability Multi-Disciplinary Teams and Services

    Regional Workforce Review across Adult Learning Disability Teams and Services Learning Disability services continue to remain a key priority for the Department of Health, Health and Social Care Trusts and the Independent and Private Sectors. A number of key reviews and legislative changes have been carried out to help understand the services that are currently being provided to people with a Learning disability in Northern Ireland. It is clearly recognised that it... More
    Closed 17 October 2022
  • NI Cyber E-Zine survey

    The Northern Ireland Cyber Security Centre work to make Northern Ireland cyber safe, secure, and resilient for its citizens and businesses. We provide advice and guidance on all cyber security issues and can signpost you to more in-depth information. We can be contacted on our website , by email or 028 9037 8000. Purpose of this survey We want to ensure that you receive informative, useful, and timely information and completing this survey will help us... More
    Closed 18 October 2022
1092 results. Page 13 of 37