1172 results
DSO D Panel Standing Counsel Scheme Pilot (Panel members)
Thank you for taking part in our pilot D Panel standing counsel scheme. I hope that it was an interesting experience and helped give you an insight into some new areas of government legal practice. We would value your input to help assess whether the scheme was a success. The following CitizenSpace survey should take you less than five minutes and is anonymous. Thank you for taking the time to fill it in. We would be grateful for returns by 21 April. MoreOpened 30 March 2021 -
Innovation Technology Evaluation Demonstration Scheme (ITEDS) Application Form - Minimum Tillage Crop Establishment
Technology Innovation Theme - Efficient Nutrition of Crops Please note all information gathered as a result of completing this application form will be treated as confidential. This information will not be used or shared for any other purpose except validating the applications received for this scheme. When completing the application you should make use of the "Save and come back later" facility on a regular basis. This will save your progress in completing the application in case... MoreOpened 29 March 2021 -
CHECK Services Supplier Performance Assessment
Please complete this short performance assessment within 5 days of receipt of CHECK report. This survery contains 10 scoring questions on supplier performances and takes approx. 5 minutes to complete. MoreOpened 25 March 2021 -
Controlled Drugs Self-Assessment and Declaration Form
DoH Controlled Drugs (CD) Accountable Officer (AO) has a legal responsibility to seek assurance that all CDs are managed appropriately across primary care, including by individual GPs. Please complete the CD Self-Assessment and Declaration below. Refer to the cover letter for further background to this self-assessment and declaration, and supporting information including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), which may be helpful in completing this form. Appendix 1 of... MoreOpened 15 March 2021 -
Locum GP Controlled Drugs Self-Assessment and Declaration Form
DoH Accountable Officer (AO) has a legal responsibility to seek assurance that all CDs are managed appropriately across primary care, including by individual GPs. Please complete the CD Self-Assessment and Declaration below. Refer to the cover letter for further background to this self-assessment and declaration, and supporting information including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), which may be helpful in completing this form. Appendix 1 of the letter shows... MoreOpened 15 March 2021 -
Practice Controlled Drugs (CD) Self-Assessment and Declaration Form
DoH CD Accountable Officer (AO) has a legal responsibility to seek assurance that CDs are managed appropriately across primary care including by individual GPs. Please complete the CD Self-Assessment and Declaration below on behalf of the practice. The completed form should be discussed and agreed with all prescribers, and verified by the Practice Governance Lead, before submission. Please refer to the cover letter for further guidance on the safe management of CDs. Common... MoreOpened 9 March 2021 -
Scoping a new forestry plan for forests and woodlands in Armagh
The scoping stage of forestry planning is intended to enable you, and other stakeholders, to become involved, at the outset, in the process of developing a plan for the promotion of afforestation and sustainable forestry in the Armagh Forestry Planning Area. The plan will be focused on the management of Forest Service forests, and it is intended that it will also consider management planning of forests and woodland managed by others. Forests and woodland within the Armagh Forestry... MoreOpened 3 March 2021 -
Experience of Consultation Appointment with CHPS (Further intervention)
Dear Service User, You may recall that you recently took part in a consultation appointment with the Clinical Health Psychology Service in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust. We are inviting you to provide feedback about your experience. This will help us ensure we deliver the best possible service to you and other Service Users. If you would like to give feedback, please complete this online survey. It is entirely your choice whether or not you take part in this... MoreOpened 1 March 2021 -
N2Forensics follow up survey
Please complete the attached survey, you will be required to complete this upon completion of the course to enable us to sign you off and provide you with your certificate. This will provide us with an idea of the level of knowledge staff have prior to completing the N2F programme and if the course has been beneficial. MoreOpened 14 February 2021 -
Please complete the attached survey, you will be required to complete this to enable us to sign you off and provide you with your certificate. These will provide us with an idea of the level of knowledge staff following the N2F programme and if the course has been beneficial. MoreOpened 13 February 2021 -
Forestry EIA Consultation ERA20/21-71
Environmental Impact Assessment Forest Service, an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has provided an opinion on the following project in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). An opinion under the Regulations is formed taking account of the selection criteria specified in the legislation. An opinion may be ‘relevant’ if it is considered that a project... MoreOpened 3 February 2021 -
Forest Expansion Scheme EIA consultations February 2021
Forest Service, an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has provided 53 opinions on the attached projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). An opinion under the Regulations is formed taking account of the selection criteria specified in the legislation. An opinion may be 'relevant' if it is considered that a project is likely to have a significant effect on the environment or... MoreOpened 3 February 2021 -
Forestry EIA Consultation ERA20/21-76
Environmental Impact Assessment Forest Service, an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has provided an opinion on the following project in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). An opinion under the Regulations is formed taking account of the selection criteria specified in the legislation. An opinion may be ‘relevant’ if it is considered that a project... MoreOpened 3 February 2021 -
Forestry EIA consultation ERA20/21-73
Environmental Impact Assessment Forest Service, an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has provided an opinion on the following project in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). An opinion under the Regulations is formed taking account of the selection criteria specified in the legislation. An opinion may be ‘relevant’ if it is considered that a project... MoreOpened 3 February 2021 -
Forestry EIA consultation ERA20/21-54
Environmental Impact Assessment Project description: Creation of a native woodland Reference: ERA20/21-54 Location : Deehommed, Moneyslane Area : 10.81 hectares Grid ref : J 25085 41801 Forest Service, an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has provided an opinion on this project in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). It was concluded that the project is a... MoreOpened 22 January 2021 -
Budget Consultation
Overview It is a statutory obligation for the Finance Minister to bring a Budget to the Assembly in advance of the new financial year commencing on 1 April 2021. The delay in the announcement of the UK Spending Review outcome has meant a subsequent delay to the Executive’s Budget process as the Spending Review outcome sets the Budget envelope for the Executive. The delay means the consultation period will have to conclude on 25 February in... MoreOpened 18 January 2021 -
Digital Corporate Welcome Evaluation
ALMOST DONE! Remember! The Corporate Welcome programme is mandatory for all Northern Trust staff and the declaration of completion must be submitted to ensure your training record is updated. Please ensure that you have reviewed all sections of the document before completing this declaration. MoreOpened 18 January 2021 -
Extension of the existing NIEA Regulatory Charging Policy from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023
The NIEA Regulatory Charging Policy covers those fees and charges associated with Waste, Water and Pollution Control Legislation. Between 2010 and 2021 NIEA has published a Regulatory Charging Policy establishing a framework for the setting and revision of regulatory fees. The current NIEA Regulatory Charging Policy expires in 31 March 2021. NIEA is seeking to extend this charging policy over the next 2 years until 31 March 2023, during this time we will undertake detailed review... MoreOpened 18 January 2021 -
Fact or Fiction: Nutrition Myths Evaluation (Jan 2021)
Following your attendance at our virtual webinar we would really love if you could complete the following short survey. It should only take about 5 minutes to complete. All answers are anonymous. Data collected will be held in line with GDPR and the Northern Health and Social Care Trust privacy policy. MoreOpened 13 January 2021 -
Cook It! Programme Delivery Survey Q3 2020-21
The Cook It! team feeds back to the Public Health Agency each quarter regarding the activity of tutors trained in each of our programmes: Cook It! I Can Cook It! Food Values Little Allotment Project. We are aware that due to COVID-19 there may have been changes in your ability to deliver programmes. Please complete the following short survey with details of any programmes you have delivered in the previous quarter and your plans for the future.... MoreOpened 5 January 2021 -
Baby and Me Parent Group Evaluation
Thank you for attending the Baby and Me parent group with your local health visiting team in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust. We want to improve our service for new parents and would be grateful if you would complete this short survey. Please share any ideas or suggestions that you think might help other new parents. The information you provide is confidential and all responses are anonymised. MoreOpened 1 January 2021 -
Paediatric Dietetic COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic we are required to screen patients prior to face to face appointments to protect you, your child and our staff. Please complete the questionnaire 1 day before your appointment. The questionnaire should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. MoreOpened 1 January 2021 -
Evaluation of Virtual Cow's Milk Allergy Session
As you are aware over the course of COVID-19 a large number of services within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust continued to provide care virtually either over the phone or using video calls. As a department we wish to review how services users feel about this and identify if there is scope to adopt this practice to some degree going forward. Following on from your Zoom group session with the Paediatric Dietitian, we would be very grateful if you could complete the... MoreOpened 1 January 2021 -
DSO External Training and Evaluation form January to March 2021
Please complete this survey within 7 days of attending your training event MoreOpened 1 January 2021 -
Innovation Technology Evaluation Demonstration Scheme (ITEDS) Application Form - Genetic Selection and Fertility Management
Technology Innovation Theme- Genetic Selection and Fertility Management Please note all information gathered as a result of completing this application form will be treated as confidential. This information will not be used or shared for any other purpose except validating the applications received for this scheme. When completing the application you should make use of the "Save and come back later" facility on a regular basis. This will save your progress in completing the... MoreOpened 14 December 2020 -
Innovation Technology Evaluation Demonstration Scheme (ITEDS) Application Form - Feed Efficiency (tranche 2)
Technology Innovation Theme- Feed Efficiency (tranche 2) Please note all information gathered as a result of completing this application form will be treated as confidential. This information will not be used or shared for any other purpose except validating the applications received for this scheme. When completing the application you should make use of the "Save and come back later" facility on a regular basis. This will save your progress in completing the application in case the... MoreOpened 14 December 2020 -
Innovation Technology Evaluation Demonstration Scheme (ITEDS) Application Form - Dairy Replacement Heifer Rearing
Technology Innovation Theme- Dairy Replacement Heifer Rearing Please note all information gathered as a result of completing this application form will be treated as confidential. This information will not be used or shared for any other purpose except validating the applications received for this scheme. When completing the application you should make use of the "Save and come back later" facility on a regular basis. This will save your progress in completing the application in... MoreOpened 14 December 2020 -
Discussion Document on a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill
The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA) is seeking views on policy options for a Climate Change Bill for Northern Ireland. The Discussion Document has been produced in both full-length and 'Easy Read' versions. Both versions are available below, under the heading 'Related'). The 'Easy Read' version contains much less detail. It has been produced to help and encourage responses from younger citizens, and those with... MoreOpened 8 December 2020 -
ESBS Healthy Eating Training Initial Survey (GOLD Surestart)
Before you attend the Eat Smart Best Start Healthy Eating training session we would really love if you could complete the following short quiz. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Data collected will be held in line with GDPR and the Northern Health and Social Care Trust privacy policy. MoreOpened 2 December 2020 -
Young People and Nutrition Survey
Are you a young person aged 11-19 years, a parent/carer of a young person or do you work with this age group? Dietitians in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust want your help to identify the areas of nutrition you would like to find out more about in a new online webinar. Please consider taking completing the survey - it should only take about 5 minutes to complete. All answers are anonymous. Data collected will be held in line with GDPR and the Northern... MoreOpened 24 November 2020
1172 results.
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